Source code for calfem.utils

#!/bin/env python
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-

import os
import sys
import pickle

import numpy as np
import calfem.core as cfc
import logging as cflog
import tabulate as tab

have_pyvtk = True

    import pyvtk as vtk
    have_pyvtk = False

haveMatplotLib = True
haveMlab = True

have_mlab = haveMlab
have_matplotlib = haveMatplotLib

have_ipython = True

    from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
    have_ipython = False

def error(msg):
    cflog.error(" "+msg)

def info(msg):" "+msg)

def set_debug_level(level):

def type_of_script():
        ipy_str = str(type(get_ipython()))
        if 'zmqshell' in ipy_str:
            return 'jupyter'
        if 'terminal' in ipy_str:
            return 'ipython'
        return 'terminal'

def disp(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':

def disp_par(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':

def disp_bold(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':
def disp_bold_par(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':

def disp_h1(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':
        print(f"\n# {msg}\n")

def disp_h2(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':
        print(f"\n## {msg}\n")

def disp_h3(msg):
    if type_of_script() == 'jupyter':
        print(f"\n## {msg}\n")

[docs]def disp_array(a, headers=[], fmt=".4e", tablefmt="psql", showindex=False): """ Print a numpy array in a nice way. """ if type_of_script() == 'jupyter': display(tab.tabulate(np.asarray(a), tablefmt="html", floatfmt=".4e", showindex=showindex, headers=headers)) else: print(tab.tabulate(np.asarray(a), tablefmt=tablefmt, floatfmt=fmt, showindex=showindex, headers=headers))
class ElementProperties(object): def __init__(self): self.ep = {} self.attributes = {} def add(self, markerId, ep=[]): if not markerId in self.ep: self.ep[markerId] = ep def addAttribute(self, markerId, name, value): if not markerId in self.attributes: self.attributes[markerId] = {} self.attributes[markerId][name] = value def enable_logging(def_level=cflog.INFO): cflog.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=def_level) enableLogging = enable_logging def disable_logging(): cflog.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s:%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=cflog.NOTSET) disableLogging = disable_logging
[docs]def read_int(f): """ Read a row from file, f, and return a list of integers. """ return list(map(int, f.readline().split()))
readInt = read_int
[docs]def read_float(f): """ Read a row from file, f, and return a list of floats. """ return list(map(float, f.readline().split()))
readFloat = read_float
[docs]def read_single_int(f): """ Read a single integer from a row in file f. All other values on row are discarded. """ return readInt(f)[0]
readSingleInt = read_single_int
[docs]def read_single_float(f): """ Read a single float from a row in file f. All other values on row are discarded. """ return readFloat(f)[0]
readSingleFloat = read_single_float def write_single_float(f, floatValue): f.write("%g\n" % floatValue) writeSingleFloat = write_single_float def write_single_int(f, intValue): f.write("%d\n" % intValue) writeSingleInt = write_single_int def write_float_list(f, floatList): for floatValue in floatList: f.write("%g " % floatValue) f.write("\n") writeFloatList = write_float_list def write_int_list(f, intList): for intValue in intList: f.write("%d " % intValue) f.write("\n") writeIntList = write_int_list
[docs]def which(filename): """ Return complete path to executable given by filename. """ if not ('PATH' in os.environ) or os.environ['PATH'] == '': p = os.defpath else: p = os.environ['PATH'] pathlist = p.split(os.pathsep) pathlist.insert(0, ".") pathlist.insert(0, "/bin") pathlist.insert(0, "/usr/bin") pathlist.insert(0, "/opt/local/bin") pathlist.insert(0, "/usr/local/bin") pathlist.insert(0, "/Applications/") # Add paths from site-packages for path in sys.path: if "site-packages" in path: pathlist.insert(0, path) for path in pathlist: f = os.path.join(path, filename) if os.access(f, os.X_OK): return f return None
[docs]def apply_bc(boundaryDofs, bcPrescr, bcVal, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary condition to bcPresc and bcVal matrices. For 2D problems with 2 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. bcPresc 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply bc. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y Returns: bcPresc Updated 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal Updated 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if (dimension == 0): bcAdd = np.array(boundaryDofs[marker]) bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value elif dimension in [1, 2]: bcAdd = boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::2] bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value else: print("Error: wrong dimension, ", dimension) newBcPrescr, prescrIdx = np.unique( np.hstack([bcPrescr, bcAdd]), return_index=True) newBcVal = np.hstack([bcVal, bcAddVal])[prescrIdx] return newBcPrescr, newBcVal else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applybc = apply_bc
[docs]def apply_bc_3d(boundaryDofs, bcPrescr, bcVal, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary condition to bcPresc and bcVal matrices. For 3D problems with 3 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. bcPresc 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply bc. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y, 3 - z Returns: bcPresc Updated 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal Updated 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if (dimension == 0): bcAdd = np.array(boundaryDofs[marker]) bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value elif dimension in [1, 2, 3]: bcAdd = boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::3] bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value else: print("Error: wrong dimension, ", dimension) newBcPrescr, prescrIdx = np.unique( np.hstack([bcPrescr, bcAdd]), return_index=True) newBcVal = np.hstack([bcVal, bcAddVal])[prescrIdx] return newBcPrescr, newBcVal else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applybc3D = apply_bc_3d def apply_bc_node(nodeIdx, dofs, bcPrescr, bcVal, value=0.0, dimension=0): if (dimension == 0): bcAdd = np.asarray(dofs[nodeIdx]) bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value elif dimension in [1, 2, 3]: bcAdd = np.asarray(dofs[nodeIdx, dimension-1]) bcAddVal = np.ones([np.size(bcAdd)])*value else: print("Error: wrong dimension, ", dimension) return np.hstack([bcPrescr, bcAdd]), np.hstack([bcVal, bcAddVal]) applybcnode = apply_bc_node def apply_force_node(nodeIdx, dofs, f, value=0.0, dimension=0): if (dimension == 0): f[dofs[nodeIdx]] += value elif (dimension == 1): f[dofs[nodeIdx, dimension-1]] += value else: f[dofs[nodeIdx, dimension-1]] += value applyforcenode = apply_force_node
[docs]def apply_force(boundaryDofs, f, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary force to f matrix. The value is added to all boundaryDofs defined by marker. Applicable to 2D problems with 2 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. f force matrix. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply force. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if dimension == 0: f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker])-1] += value elif dimension in [1, 2]: f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::2])-1] += value else: print("Error: The dimension, ", dimension, ", is invalid") else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applyforce = apply_force
[docs]def apply_traction_linear_element(boundaryElements, coords, dofs, F, marker, q): """ Apply traction on part of boundarty with marker. q is added to all boundaryDofs defined by marker. Applicable to 2D problems with 2 dofs per node. The function works with linear line elements. (elm-type 1 in GMSH). Parameters: boundaryElements Dictionary with boundary elements, the key is a marker and the values are lists of elements. coords Coordinates matrix dofs Dofs matrix F force matrix. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. q Value to assign boundary condition. shape = [qx qy] in global coordinates """ if marker not in boundaryElements: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.") return for element in boundaryElements[marker]: if element['elm-type'] != 1: print("Error: Wrong element type.") return q = np.matrix(q).T # Integration points and weights: Xi = [-1/np.sqrt(3), 1/np.sqrt(3)] W = [1, 1] # Shape functions: def N1(x): return 1-(1+x)/2 def N2(x): return (1+x)/2 for element in boundaryElements[marker]: # Loop through integration points: f = np.zeros([4, 1]) for xi, w in zip(Xi, W): N = np.matrix([[N1(xi), 0, N2(xi), 0], [0, N1(xi), 0, N2(xi)]]) # The minus one is since the nodes in node-number-list start at 1... coord = coords[np.array(element['node-number-list'])-1] v1 = coord[0, :] v2 = coord[1, :] J = np.linalg.norm(v1-v2) / 2 f += w * N.T * q * J # Minus one since dofs start at 1... idx = dofs[np.array(element['node-number-list'])-1, :].flatten()-1 F[idx] += f
applyTractionLinearElement = apply_traction_linear_element
[docs]def apply_force_3d(boundaryDofs, f, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary force to f matrix. The value is added to all boundaryDofs defined by marker. Applicable to 3D problems with 3 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. f force matrix. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply force. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y, 3 - z """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if dimension == 0: f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker])-1] += value elif dimension in [1, 2, 3]: f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::3])-1] += value else: print("Error: The dimension, ", dimension, ", is invalid") else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applyforce3D = apply_force_3d
[docs]def apply_force_total(boundaryDofs, f, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary force to f matrix. Total force, value, is distributed over all boundaryDofs defined by marker. Applicable to 2D problems with 2 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. f force matrix. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Total force value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply force. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if dimension == 0: nDofs = len(boundaryDofs[marker]) valuePerDof = value / nDofs f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker])-1] += valuePerDof elif dimension in [1, 2]: nDofs = len(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::2]) valuePerDof = value / nDofs f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::2]) - 1] += valuePerDof else: print("Error: The dimension, ", dimension, ", is invalid") else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applyforcetotal = apply_force_total
[docs]def apply_force_total_3d(boundaryDofs, f, marker, value=0.0, dimension=0): """ Apply boundary force to f matrix. Total force, value, is distributed over all boundaryDofs defined by marker. Applicable to 3D problems with 3 dofs per node. Parameters: boundaryDofs Dictionary with boundary dofs. f force matrix. marker Boundary marker to assign boundary condition. value Total force value to assign boundary condition. If not given 0.0 is assigned. dimension dimension to apply force. 0 - all, 1 - x, 2 - y, 3 - z """ if marker in boundaryDofs: if dimension == 0: nDofs = len(boundaryDofs[marker]) valuePerDof = value / nDofs f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker])-1] += valuePerDof elif dimension in [1, 2, 3]: nDofs = len(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::3]) valuePerDof = value / nDofs f[np.asarray(boundaryDofs[marker][(dimension-1)::3]) - 1] += valuePerDof else: print("Error: The dimension, ", dimension, ", is invalid") else: print("Error: Boundary marker", marker, "does not exist.")
applyforcetotal3D = apply_force_total_3d
[docs]def export_vtk_stress(filename, coords, topo, a=None, el_scalar=None, el_vec1=None, el_vec2=None): """ Export mesh and results for a 2D stress problem. Parameters: filename Filename of vtk-file coords Element coordinates (np.array) topo Element topology (not dof topology). mesh.topo. (np.array) a Element displacements 2-dof (np.array) el_scalar Scalar values for each element (list) el_vec1 Vector value for each element (list) el_vec2 Vector value for each element (list) """ points = np.zeros([coords.shape[0], 3], dtype=np.float64) points[:,0:2] = coords points = points.tolist() polygons = (topo-1).tolist() displ = [] point_data = None scalars = None vectors1 = None vectors2 = None cell_data = None if a is not None: for i in range(0, len(a), 2): displ.append([a[i].item(), a[i+1].item(), 0.0]) point_data = vtk.PointData(vtk.Vectors(displ, name="displacements")) if el_scalar is not None: print("Adding cell scalars...") scalars = vtk.Scalars(el_scalar, name="scalar") if el_vec1 is not None: print("Adding cell vector 1...") vectors1 = vtk.Vectors(el_vec1, name="principal1") if el_vec2 is not None: print("Adding cell vector 2...") vectors2 = vtk.Vectors(el_vec2, name="principal2") if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is None: print("Exporting celldata, el_scalar...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars) if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is not None: print("Exporting celldata, el_scalar, el_vec2...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors2) if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None: print("Exporting celldata, el_scalar, el_vec1...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors1) if el_scalar is not None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is not None: print("Exporting celldata, el_scalar, el_vec1, el_vec2...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(scalars, vectors1, vectors2) if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is None and el_vec2 is not None: print("Exporting celldata, el_vec2...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors2) if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None: print("Exporting celldata, el_vec1...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors1) if el_scalar is None and el_vec1 is not None and el_vec2 is None: print("Exporting celldata, el_vec1, el_vec2...") cell_data = vtk.CellData(vectors1, vectors2) structure = vtk.PolyData(points=points, polygons=polygons) if cell_data is not None and point_data is not None: print("VTK includes cell_data and point_data") vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure, cell_data, point_data) if cell_data is None and point_data is not None: print("VTK includes point_data") vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure, point_data) if cell_data is None and point_data is None: print("VTK includes only structure") vtk_data = vtk.VtkData(structure) vtk_data.tofile("exm6.vtk", "ascii")
[docs]def scalfact2(ex, ey, ed, rat=0.2): """ Determine scale factor for drawing computational results, such as displacements, section forces or flux. Parameters: ex, ey element node coordinates ed element displacement matrix or section force matrix rat relation between illustrated quantity and element size. If not specified, 0.2 is used. """ # nen: number of element nodes # nel: number of elements nen = -1 if ex.shape != ey.shape: print("ex and ey shapes do not match.") return 1.0 dlmax = 0. edmax = 1. if np.linalg.matrix_rank(ex) == 1: nen = ex.shape[0] nel = 1 dxmax = max(ex.T.max(0)-ex.T.min(0)) # axis 0, return vector dymax = max(ey.T.max(0)-ey.T.min(0)) dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = abs(ed).max() else: nen = ex.shape[1] nel = ex.shape[0] dxmax = max(ex.T.max(0)-ex.T.min(0)) dymax = max(ey.T.max(0)-ey.T.min(0)) dlmax = max(dxmax, dymax) edmax = abs(ed).max() k = rat return k*dlmax/edmax
''' Handle reading and writing of geometry and generated mesh from the program '''
[docs]def load_geometry(name): """Loads a geometry from a file.""" with open(name, 'rb') as file: test = pickle.load(file) return test
[docs]def save_geometry(g, name="unnamed_geometry"): """Save a geometry to file.""" if not name.endswith(".cfg"): name = name + ".cfg" with open(name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(g, file)
[docs]def load_mesh(name): """Load a mesh from file.""" with open(name, 'rb') as file: mesh = pickle.load(file) return mesh
[docs]def save_mesh(mesh, name="Untitled"): """Save a mesh to file.""" if not name.endswith(".cfm"): name = name + ".cfm" with open(name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(mesh, file)
[docs]def save_arrays(coords, edof, dofs, bdofs, elementmarkers, boundaryElements, markerDict, name="unnamed_arrays"): """Save arrays to file.""" if not name.endswith(".cfma"): name = name + ".cfma" with open(name, 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(coords, file) pickle.dump(edof, file) pickle.dump(dofs, file) #for key in bdofs.items(): # print(key, markerDict[key]) pickle.dump(bdofs, file) pickle.dump(elementmarkers, file) pickle.dump(boundaryElements, file) pickle.dump(markerDict, file)
[docs]def load_arrays(name): """Load arrays from file.""" with open(name, 'rb') as file: coords = pickle.load(file) edof = pickle.load(file) dofs = pickle.load(file) bdofs = pickle.load(file) elementmarkers = pickle.load(file) boundaryElements = pickle.load(file) markerDict = pickle.load(file) return coords, edof, dofs, bdofs, elementmarkers, boundaryElements, markerDict
[docs]def save_matlab_arrays(coords, edof, dofs, bdofs, elementmarkers, boundaryElements, markerDict, name="Untitled"): """Save arrays as MATLAB .mat files.""" if not name.endswith(".mat"): name = name + ".mat" saveDict = {} saveDict["coords"] = coords.astype('double') # Convert to CALFEM Edof definition with element number as first index new_column = np.arange(1, np.size(edof, 0) + 1)[:, np.newaxis] edof = np.append(new_column, edof, axis=1) saveDict["edof"] = edof.astype('double') saveDict["dofs"] = dofs.astype('double') # bdofs = {str(k): v for k, v in bdofs.items()} # MATLAB struct needs keys as strings print(bdofs) print(markerDict) newBdof = {} for index, bdofs in bdofs.items(): print(index, bdofs) if index == 0: newBdof["None"] = bdofs else: newBdof[markerDict[index]] = bdofs saveDict["bdofs"] = newBdof elementmarkers = np.asarray(elementmarkers) # To avoid problems with one indexing in MATLAB elementmarkers = elementmarkers + 1 saveDict["elementmarkers"] = elementmarkers, saveDict)
[docs]def calc_limits(coords): """Calculate max an min limits of 3d coordinates""" if coords.shape[0]>0: max_x = np.max(coords[:,0]) min_x = np.min(coords[:,0]) max_y = np.max(coords[:,1]) min_y = np.min(coords[:,1]) max_z = np.max(coords[:,2]) min_z = np.min(coords[:,2]) return max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y, max_z, min_z else: return 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
[docs]def calc_size(coords): """Calculate max and min sizes of 3d coordinates.""" max_x, min_x, max_y, min_y, max_z, min_z = calc_limits(coords) lx = max_x - min_x ly = max_y - min_y lz = max_z - min_z return lx, ly, lz
[docs]def calc_beam_displ_limits(a, coords, edof, dofs): """ Calculate max and min displacements for beams. :param array a global displacement array with 6 dofs / node. :param array node coordinates :param array edof beam topology :param array dofs node dofs """ if edof.shape[0]>0: ex, ey, ez = cfc.coord_extract(edof, coords, dofs) ed = cfc.extract_eldisp(edof, a) coords, topo, node_dofs = convert_to_node_topo(edof, ex, ey, ez, n_dofs_per_node=6, ignore_first=False) min_displ = 1e300 max_displ = -1e300 for el_topo in topo: d0 = np.array(a[node_dofs[el_topo[0]][:3]-1]).flatten() d1 = np.array(a[node_dofs[el_topo[1]][:3]-1]).flatten() l_d0 = np.linalg.norm(d0) l_d1 = np.linalg.norm(d1) if l_d0>max_displ: max_displ = l_d0 if l_d1>max_displ: max_displ = l_d1 if l_d0<min_displ: min_displ = l_d0 if l_d1<min_displ: min_displ = l_d1 return min_displ, max_displ else: return 0.0, 0.0
[docs]def calc_bar_displ_limits(a, coords, edof, dofs): """ Calc max and min global displacements for bars. :param array a global displacement array with 3 dofs / node. :param array node coordinates :param array edof beam topology :param array dofs node dofs """ if edof.shape[0]>0: ex, ey, ez = cfc.coord_extract(edof, coords, dofs) ed = cfc.extract_eldisp(edof, a) coords, topo, node_dofs = convert_to_node_topo(edof, ex, ey, ez, n_dofs_per_node=3, ignore_first=False) min_displ = 1e300 max_displ = -1e300 for el_topo in topo: d0 = np.array(a[node_dofs[el_topo[0]][:3]-1]).flatten() d1 = np.array(a[node_dofs[el_topo[1]][:3]-1]).flatten() l_d0 = np.linalg.norm(d0) l_d1 = np.linalg.norm(d1) if l_d0>max_displ: max_displ = l_d0 if l_d1>max_displ: max_displ = l_d1 if l_d0<min_displ: min_displ = l_d0 if l_d1<min_displ: min_displ = l_d1 return min_displ, max_displ else: return 0.0, 0.0
[docs]def convert_to_node_topo(edof, ex, ey, ez, n_dofs_per_node=3, ignore_first=True): """ Routine to convert dof based topology and element coordinates to node based topology required for visualisation with VTK and other visualisation frameworks :param array edof: element topology [nel x (n_dofs_per_node)|(n_dofs_per_node+1)*n_nodes ] :param array ex: element x coordinates [nel x n_nodes] :param array ey: element y coordinates [nel x n_nodes] :param array ez: element z coordinates [nel x n_nodes] :param array n_dofs_per_node: number of dofs per node. (default = 3) :param boolean ignore_first: ignore first column of edof. (default = True) :return array coords: Array of node coordinates. [n_nodes x 3] :return array topo: Node topology. [nel x n_nodes] :return array node_dofs: Dofs for each node. [n_nodes x n_dofs_per_node] """ node_hash_coords = {} node_hash_numbers = {} node_hash_dofs = {} el_hash_dofs = [] nel, cols = edof.shape if ignore_first: tot_dofs = cols-1 else: tot_dofs = cols n_nodes = int(tot_dofs / n_dofs_per_node) for elx, ely, elz, dofs in zip(ex, ey, ez, edof): if ignore_first: el_dofs = dofs[1:] else: el_dofs = dofs # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 11 el_dof = np.zeros((n_nodes, n_dofs_per_node), dtype=int) el_hash_topo = [] for i in range(n_nodes): el_dof[i] = el_dofs[ (i*n_dofs_per_node):((i+1)*n_dofs_per_node) ] node_hash_coords[hash(tuple(el_dof[i]))] = [elx[i], ely[i], elz[i]] node_hash_numbers[hash(tuple(el_dof[i]))] = -1 node_hash_dofs[hash(tuple(el_dof[i]))] = el_dof[i] el_hash_topo.append(hash(tuple(el_dof[i]))) el_hash_dofs.append(el_hash_topo) coord_count = 0 coords = [] node_dofs = [] for node_hash in node_hash_numbers.keys(): node_hash_numbers[node_hash] = coord_count node_dofs.append(list(node_hash_dofs[node_hash])) coord_count +=1 coords.append(node_hash_coords[node_hash]) topo = [] for el_hashes in el_hash_dofs: el_topo = [] for i in range(n_nodes): el_topo.append(node_hash_numbers[el_hashes[i]]) topo.append(el_topo) return np.array(coords), np.array(topo), np.array(node_dofs)