Mesh example: Effective stressΒΆ

The use case from the user manual. The example does not contain anything that is not covered in the previous examples.

import calfem.core as cfc
import calfem.geometry as cfg
import calfem.mesh as cfm
import calfem.vis_mpl as cfv
import calfem.utils as cfu
import numpy as np

from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
# %matplotlib notebook
%matplotlib inline

Problem parameters

t = 0.2
v = 0.35
E1 = 2e9
E2 = 0.2e9
ptype = 1
ep = [ptype,t]
D1 = cfc.hooke(ptype, E1, v)
D2 = cfc.hooke(ptype, E2, v)

# Define marker constants instead of using numbers in the code

mark_E1 = 55
mark_E2 = 66
mark_fixed = 70
mark_load = 90

# Create dictionary for the different element properties

elprop = {}
elprop[mark_E1] = [ep, D1]
elprop[mark_E2] = [ep, D2]

# Parameters controlling mesh

el_size_factor = 0.05    # Element size factor
el_type = 3             # Triangle element
dofs_per_node = 2        # Dof per node

Create geometry

g = cfg.Geometry()

Add points

g.point([0, 0])             #0
g.point([1, 0])             #1
g.point([1, 1])             #2
g.point([0, 1])             #3
g.point([0.2, 0.2]) #4
g.point([0.8, 0.2]) #5
g.point([0.8, 0.8]) #6
g.point([0.2, 0.8]) #7

Add curves

g.spline([0, 1], marker = mark_fixed) #0
g.spline([2, 1])                     #1
g.spline([3, 2], marker = mark_load)  #2
g.spline([0, 3])                     #3
g.spline([4, 5])                     #4
g.spline([5, 6])                     #5
g.spline([6, 7])                     #6
g.spline([7, 4])                     #7

Add surfaces

g.surface([0,1,2,3], holes = [[4,5,6,7]], marker = mark_E1)
g.surface([4,5,6,7], marker = mark_E2)

Create mesh

mesh = cfm.GmshMeshGenerator(g)
mesh.el_size_factor = el_size_factor
mesh.el_type = el_type
mesh.dofs_per_node = dofs_per_node

# Mesh the geometry:
#  The first four return values are the same as those that trimesh2d() returns.
#  value elementmarkers is a list of markers, and is used for finding the
#  marker of a given element (index).

coords, edof, dofs, bdofs, elementmarkers = mesh.create()
Info    : GMSH -> Python-module

Solve problem

Assemble system

nDofs = np.size(dofs)
K = lil_matrix((nDofs,nDofs))
ex, ey = cfc.coordxtr(edof, coords, dofs)

for eltopo, elx, ely, elMarker in zip(edof, ex, ey, elementmarkers):

    if el_type == 2:
        Ke = cfc.plante(elx, ely, elprop[elMarker][0], elprop[elMarker][1])
        Ke = cfc.planqe(elx, ely, elprop[elMarker][0], elprop[elMarker][1])

    cfc.assem(eltopo, K, Ke)

Solve equation system

bc = np.array([],'i')
bcVal = np.array([],'i')

bc, bcVal = cfu.applybc(bdofs, bc, bcVal, mark_fixed, 0.0)

f = np.zeros([nDofs,1])

cfu.applyforcetotal(bdofs, f, mark_load, value = -10e5, dimension=2)

a,r = cfc.spsolveq(K, f, bc, bcVal)

Calculate element forces

ed = cfc.extract_eldisp(edof, a)

von_mises = []

for i in range(edof.shape[0]):

    # Handle triangle elements

    if el_type == 2:
        es, et = cfc.plants(ex[i,:], ey[i,:],

        von_mises.append( np.math.sqrt( pow(es[0,0],2) - es[0,0]*es[0,1] + pow(es[0,1],2) + 3*pow(es[0,2],2) ) )


        # Handle quad elements

        es, et = cfc.planqs(ex[i,:], ey[i,:],

        von_mises.append( np.math.sqrt( pow(es[0],2) - es[0]*es[1] + pow(es[1],2) + 3*pow(es[2],2) ) )

Visualise results


cfv.draw_geometry(g, title="Geometry")


cfv.draw_mesh(coords=coords, edof=edof, dofs_per_node=dofs_per_node, el_type=el_type,
             filled=True, title="Mesh") #Draws the mesh.


cfv.draw_displacements(a, coords, edof, dofs_per_node, el_type,
                      draw_undisplaced_mesh=False, title="Displacements",

Element values

cfv.draw_element_values(von_mises, coords, edof, dofs_per_node, el_type, a,
                      draw_elements=True, draw_undisplaced_mesh=False,
                      title="Effective Stress", magnfac=25.0)

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