Source code for calfem.core

# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
CALFEM Core module

Contains all the functions implementing CALFEM standard functionality

from scipy.sparse.linalg import dsolve
from scipy.linalg import eig, lu
import numpy as np

import logging as cflog
import sys
import traceback

__prev_exception_hook = sys.excepthook

[docs]def exception_logging(exctype, value, tb): """ Log exception by using the root logger. Parameters ---------- exctype : type value : NameError tb : traceback """ write_val = {'exception_type': str(exctype), 'message': str(traceback.format_tb(tb, 10))} print('Error: %s \n in "%s", line %d' % (value, tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename, tb.tb_lineno))
def enable_friendly_errors(): __prev_exception_hook = sys.excepthook sys.excepthook = exception_logging def disable_friendly_errors(): sys.excepthook = __prev_exception_hook easy_on = enable_friendly_errors easy_off = disable_friendly_errors def check_list_array(v, error_string): fname = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name if (type(v) != list) and (type(v) != np.ndarray): raise TypeError("%s (%s)" % (error_string, fname)) def check_length(v, length, error_string): fname = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name if len(v) != length: raise ValueError("%s (%s)" % (error_string, fname)) def user_warning(msg): fname = sys._getframe(1).f_code.co_name print("Warning: %s (%s)" % (msg, fname))
[docs]def error(msg): """Write ``msg`` to error log.""" cflog.error(" calfem.core: "+msg)
[docs]def info(msg): """Write ``msg`` to info log."""" calfem.core: "+msg)
[docs]def spring1e(ep): """ Ke = spring1e(ep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute element stiffness matrix for spring element. INPUT: ep = [k] spring stiffness or analog quantity OUTPUT: Ke : spring stiffness matrix, [2 x 2] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: P-E Austrell 1994-11-02 O Dahlblom 2022-11-15 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ k = ep Ke = k * np.array([ [1, -1], [-1, 1] ]) return Ke
[docs]def spring1s(ep, ed): """ es = spring1s(ep, ed) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute element force in spring element (spring1e). INPUT: ep = [k] spring stiffness or analog quantity ed = [u1 u2] element displacement vector OUTPUT: es = [N] element force ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: P-E AUSTRELL 1994-11-02 O Dahlblom 2022-11-14 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ k = ep N = k*(ed[1]-ed[0]) es = N return es
[docs]def bar1e(ex, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = bar1e (ex, ep) Ke, fe = bar1e(ex, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a onedimensional bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area ka: axial spring stiffness eq = [qX] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke : bar stiffness matrix [2 x 2] fe : element load vector [2 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-22 O Dahlblom 2022-11-14 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA=E*A qX=0. if not eq is None: qX=eq[0] x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) Ke = DEA/L*np.array([ [1, -1], [-1, 1] ]) fe = qX*L*np.array([1/2, 1/2]).reshape(2,1) if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def bar1s(ex, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = bar1s(ex, ep, ed) es = bar1s(ex, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = bar1s(ex, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in one dimensional bar element INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area ed = [u1 u2] element displacement vector eq = [qX] distributed load nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [N1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 1 ...] edi = [u1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 ; in n points along the bar, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ...] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis, x2; (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-02-25 O Dahlblom 2022-11-14 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA=E*A qX=0. if not eq is None: qX=eq[0] ne=2 if nep != None: ne=nep x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) a1 = ed.reshape(2,1) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u -(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du -(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) N = DEA*du es = N edi=u eci=X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def bar1we(ex, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = bar1we (ex, ep) Ke, fe = bar1we(ex, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a onedimensional bar element with axial springs. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E A kX] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area kX: axial spring stiffness eq = [qX] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke : bar stiffness matrix [2 x 2] fe : element load vector [2 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-12-17 O Dahlblom 2022-10-19 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, kX = ep DEA = E*A; qX = 0. if not eq is None: qX = eq[0] x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) K1 = DEA/L*np.array([ [1, -1], [-1, 1] ]) K2 = kX*L/6*np.array([ [2, 1], [1, 2] ]) Ke = K1+K2 fe = qX*L*np.array([1/2, 1/2]).reshape(2,1) if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def bar1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = bar1ws(ex, ep, ed) es = bar1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = bar1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in one dimensional bar element INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E A kX] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area kX: axial spring stiffness ed = [u1 u2] element displacement vector eq = [qX] distributed load nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [N1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 1 ...] edi = [u1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 ; in n points along the bar, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ...] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis, x2; (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-02-25 O Dahlblom 2022-11-14 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, kX = ep DEA = E*A qX = 0. if not eq is None: qX = eq[0] ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) a1 = ed.reshape(2,1) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u +kX/DEA*np.concatenate(((X**2-L*X)/2, (X**3-L**2*X)/6),1) @ C1a-(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du +kX/DEA*np.concatenate(((2*X-L)/2, (3*X**2-L**2)/6),1) @ C1a-(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) N = DEA*du es = N edi = u eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def bar2e(ex, ey, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = bar2e(ex, ey, ep) Ke, fe = bar2e(ex, ey, ep, eq) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the element stiffness matrix for two dimensional bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area eq = [qX] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke : bar stiffness matrix [4 x 4] fe : element load vector [4 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-20 O Dahlblom 2022-11-16 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA = E*A qX = 0. if not eq is None: qX=eq[0] x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) Kle = DEA/L*np.array([ [1, -1], [-1, 1] ]) fle = qX*L*np.array([1/2, 1/2]).reshape(2,1) nxX=dx/L nyX=dy/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, nxX, nyX] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed) es = bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute normal force in two dimensional bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area ed = [u1 ... u4] element displacement vector eq = [qX] distributed load nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [N1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 1 ...] edi = [u1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 ; in n points along the bar, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ...] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis, x2; (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-12-04 O Dahlblom 2022-11-16 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA = E*A qX = 0. if not eq is None: qX = eq[0] ne = 2 if nep != None: ne=nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, nxX, nyX] ]) a1 = G @ ed.reshape(4,1) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u -(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du -(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) N = DEA*du es = N edi = u eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def bar2ge(ex, ey, ep, QX): """ Ke = bar2ge(ex, ey, ep, QX) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute element stiffness matrix for two dimensional geometric nonlinear bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area QX: axial force in the bar OUTPUT: Ke : bar stiffness matrix [4 x 4] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-12-17 O Dahlblom 2022-11-16 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA = E*A x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) K0le = DEA/L*np.array([ [ 1, 0, -1, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 1, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0] ]) Ksle = QX/L*np.array([ [ 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 1, 0, -1], [ 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, -1, 0, 1] ]) Kle = K0le + Ksle nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, nxX, nyX], [ 0, 0, nxY, nyY] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G return Ke
[docs]def bar2gs(ex, ey, ep, ed, nep=None): """ es, QX, edi, eci = bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed) es, QX, edi, eci = bar2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute normal force in two dimensional bar element (bar2ge). INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E A] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area ed = [u1 ... u4] element displacement vector nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [N1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 1 ...] QX: axial force edi = [u1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 ; in n points along the bar, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ...] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis, x2; (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-20 O Dahlblom 2022-11-16 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA = E*A ne=2 if nep != None: ne=nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, nxX, nyX], [ 0, 0, nxY, nyY] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(4,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[2] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a N = DEA*du QX = N[0] es = N edi=u eci=X if nep is None: return es, QX else: return es, QX, edi, eci
[docs]def bar3e(ex, ey, ez, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = bar2e(ex, ey, ez, ep) Ke, fe = bar2e(ex, ey, ez, ep, eq) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the element stiffness matrix for three dimensional bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] ez = [z1 z2] ep = [E A] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area eq = [qX] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke : bar stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-19 O Dahlblom 2022-11-18 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA=E*A qX=0. if not eq is None: qX=eq[0] x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey z1, z2 = ez dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 dz = z2-z1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) Kle = DEA/L*np.array([ [1, -1], [-1, 1] ]) fle = qX*L*np.array([1/2, 1/2]).reshape(2,1) nxX=dx/L nyX=dy/L nzX=dz/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, nzX, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, nzX] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def bar3s(ex, ey, ez, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = bar3s(ex, ey, ez, ep, ed) es = bar3s(ex, ey, ez, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = bar3s(ex, ey, ez, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute normal force in three dimensional bar element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] ez = [z1 z2] ep = [E A] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area ed = [u1 ... u4] element displacement vector eq = [qX] distributed load nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [N1 ; section forces, local directions, in N2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 1 ...] edi = [u1 ; element displacements, local directions, u2 ; in n points along the bar, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ...] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis, x2; (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-01 O Dahlblom 2022-11-18 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A = ep DEA = E*A qX = 0. if not eq is None: qX = eq[0] ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey z1, z2 = ez dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 dz = z2-z1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nzX =dz/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, nzX, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, nzX] ]) a1 = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 X = np.linspace(0., L+L/(ne-1), ne).reshape(ne,1) #X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u -(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du -(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) N = DEA*du es = N edi=u eci=X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam1e(ex, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam1e(ex, ep) Ke, fe = beam1e(ex, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a one dimensional beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E I] element properties; E: Young's modulus I: moment of inertia eq = [qY] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke : beam stiffness matrix [4 x 4] fe : element load vector [4 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2019-01-09 O Dahlblom 2022-10-25 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, I = ep DEI = E*I qY = 0. if not eq is None: qY = eq[0] x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) Ke = DEI/L**3*np.array([ [12, 6*L, -12, 6*L], [6*L, 4*L**2, -6*L, 2*L**2], [-12, -6*L, 12, -6*L], [6*L, 2*L**2, -6*L, 4*L**2] ]) fe = qY*np.array([L/2, L**2/12, L/2, -L**2/12]).reshape(4,1) if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam1s(ex, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam1s(ex, ep, ed) es = beam1s(ex, ep, ed, eq) es, ed, ec = beam1s(ex, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in one dimensional beam element (beam1e). INPUT ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E I] element properties, E: Young's modulus I: moment of inertia ed = [u1 ... u4] element displacements eq = [qy] distributed loads, local directions nep : number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [V1 M1 ; section forces, local directions, in V2 M2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= nep x 2 ......] edi = [v1 ; element displacements, local directions, v2 ; in nep points along the beam, dim(edi)= nep x 1 ....] eci = [x1; evaluation points on the local x-axis x2; ..] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-01 O Dahlblom 2022-10-25 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, I = ep DEI = E*I qY=0. if not eq is None: qY = eq[0] ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) a2 = ed.reshape(4,1) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a # dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) # dv = dv+(2*X**3 - 3*L*X**2 + L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI) d2v = d2v+(6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v+(2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v es = np.concatenate((V, M), 1) edi = v eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam1we(ex, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam1we(ex, ep) Ke, fe = beam1we(ex, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a one dimensional beam element on elastic foundation. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E I kY] element properties; E: Young's modulus I: moment of inertia kY: transversal found. stiffness eq = [qY] distributed load OUTPUT: Ke: beam stiffness matrix [4 x 4] fe: element load vector [4 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2016-02-17 O Dahlblom 2022-10-18 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, I, kY =ep DEI = E*I; qY = 0 if not eq is None: qY = eq[0] x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) K0 = DEI/L**3*np.array([ [12, 6*L, -12, 6*L], [6*L, 4*L**2, -6*L, 2*L**2], [-12, -6*L, 12, -6*L], [6*L, 2*L**2, -6*L, 4*L**2] ]) Ks = kY*L/420*np.array([ [156, 22*L, 54, -13*L], [22*L, 4*L**2, 13*L, -3*L**2], [54, 13*L, 156, -22*L], [-13*L, -3*L**2, -22*L, 4*L**2] ]) Ke = K0+Ks fe = qY*np.array([L/2, L**2/12, L/2, -L**2/12]).reshape(4,1) if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam1ws(ex, ep, ed) es = beam1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq) es, ed, ec = beam1ws(ex, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in one dimensional beam element on elastic foundation (beam1we). INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ep = [E I kY] element properties, E: Young's modulus I: moment of inertia kY: transversal foundation stiffness ed = [u1 ... u4] element displacements eq = [qy] distributed loads, local directions nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [V1 M1 ; section forces, local directions, in V2 M2 ; nep points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 ......] edi = [v1 ; element displacements, local directions, v2 ; in nep points along the beam, dim(edi)= n x 1 ...] eci = [x1 ; evaluation points on the local x-axis x2 ; ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-01 O Dahlblom 2022-10-18 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, I, kY = ep DEI = E*I qY = 0. if not eq is None: qY = eq[0] ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep x1, x2 = ex dx = x2-x1 L = abs(dx) a2 = ed.reshape(4,1) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)/24, (X**5 - 3*L**2*X**3 + 2*L**3*X**2)/120, (X**6 - 4*L**3*X**3 + 3*L**4*X**2)/360, (X**7 - 5*L**4*X**3 + 4*L**5*X**2)/840), 1) @ C2a + \ (X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) d2v = d2v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)/12, (10*X**3 - 9*L**2*X + 2*L**3*one)/60, (5*X**4 - 4*L**3*X + L**4*one)/60, (21*X**5 - 15*L**4*X + 4*L**5*one)/420),1) @ C2a + \ (6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (2*X - L*one)/2, (10*X**2 - 3*L**2)/20, (5*X**3 - L**3*one)/15, (7*X**4 - L**4*one)/28), 1) @ C2a + \ (2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v es = np.concatenate((V, M), 1) edi = v eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2e(ex, ey, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam2e(ex, ey, ep) Ke, fe = beam2e(ex, ey, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a two dimensional beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] ep = [E A I] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: Cross section area I: moment of inertia eq = [qX qY] distributed loads, local directions OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-08-17 O Dahlblom 2022-11-21 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I qX = 0. qY = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) Kle = np.array([ [ DEA/L, 0., 0., -DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., 12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2, 0., -12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 2*DEI/L], [-DEA/L, 0., 0., DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., -12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2, 0., 12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2, 2*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L] ]) fle = L*np.array([qX/2, qY/2, qY*L/12, qX/2, qY/2, -qY*L/12]).reshape(6,1) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam2s(ex, ey, ep, ed) es = beam2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = beam2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq, nep) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in two dimensional beam element (beam2e). INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E A I] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia ed = [u1 ... u6] element displacements eq = [qx qy] distributed loads, local directions nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [ N1 V1 M1 section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 ........] edi = [ u1 v1 element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 .....] eci = [ x1 local x-coordinates of the evaluation x2 points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-08 O Dahlblom 2022-11-21 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I qX = 0. qY = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq ne=2 if nep != None: ne=nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[3] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[2], edl[4], edl[5] ]) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u -(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du -(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a # dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a d2v=np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) # dv = dv+(2*X**3 - 3*L*X**2 + L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI) d2v = d2v+(6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v+(2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) N = DEA*du M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v es = np.concatenate((N, V, M), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2we(ex, ey, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam2we(ex, ey, ep) Ke, fe = beam2we(ex, ey, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a two dimensional beam element on elastic foundation. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] ep = [E,A,I,kX,kY] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: Cross section area I: moment of inertia kX: axial foundation stiffness kY: transversal foundation stiffness eq = [qX qY] distributed loads, local directions OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-08-07 O Dahlblom 2022-11-21 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I, kX, kY = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I qX = 0 qY = 0 if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) K0 = np.array([ [ DEA/L, 0., 0., -DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., 12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2, 0., -12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 2*DEI/L], [-DEA/L, 0., 0., DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., -12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2, 0., 12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2., 2*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L] ]) Ks = L/420*np.array([ [140*kX, 0, 0, 70*kX, 0, 0], [0, 156*kY, 22*kY*L, 0, 54*kY, -13*kY*L], [0, 22*kY*L, 4*kY*L**2, 0, 13*kY*L, -3*kY*L**2], [70*kX, 0, 0, 140*kX, 0, 0], [0, 54*kY, 13*kY*L, 0, 156*kY, -22*kY*L], [0, -13*kY*L, -3*kY*L**2, 0, -22*kY*L, 4*kY*L**2] ]) Kle = K0+Ks fle = L*np.array([qX/2, qY/2, qY*L/12, qX/2, qY/2, -qY*L/12]).reshape(6,1) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam2ws(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam2ws(ex, ey, ep, ed) es = beam2ws(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = beam2ws(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq, nep) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in a two dimensional beam element on elastic foundation. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E,A,I,kX,kY] element properties, E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia kX: axial foundation stiffness kY: transversal foundation stiffness ed = [u1 ... u6] element displacements eq = [qx qy] distributed loads, local directions nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [ N1 V1 M1 section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 ........] edi = [ u1 v1 element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 .....] eci = [ x1 local x-coordinates of the evaluation x2 points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2022-09-30 O Dahlblom 2022-11-21 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I, kX, kY = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I qX = 0 qY = 0 if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[3] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[2], edl[4], edl[5] ]) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u +kX/DEA*np.concatenate(((X**2-L*X)/2, (X**3-L**2*X)/6),1) @ C1a-(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du +kX/DEA*np.concatenate(((2*X-L)/2, (3*X**2-L**2)/6),1) @ C1a-(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a # dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)/24, (X**5 - 3*L**2*X**3 + 2*L**3*X**2)/120, (X**6 - 4*L**3*X**3 + 3*L**4*X**2)/360, (X**7 - 5*L**4*X**3 + 4*L**5*X**2)/840), 1) @ C2a + \ (X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) d2v = d2v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)/12, (10*X**3 - 9*L**2*X + 2*L**3*one)/60, (5*X**4 - 4*L**3*X + L**4*one)/60, (21*X**5 - 15*L**4*X + 4*L**5*one)/420),1) @ C2a + \ (6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v - kY/DEI*np.concatenate(( (2*X - L*one)/2, (10*X**2 - 3*L**2)/20, (5*X**3 - L**3*one)/15, (7*X**4 - L**4*one)/28), 1) @ C2a + \ (2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) N = DEA*du M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v es = np.concatenate((N, V, M), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2ge(ex, ey, ep, QX, eq=None): """ Ke = beam2ge(ex, ey, ep, QX) Ke, fe = beam2ge(ex, ey, ep, QX, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the element stiffness matrix for a two dimensional beam element with respect to geometric nonlinearity. INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E, A, I] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia QX axial force in the beam eq = [qY] distributed transverse load OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-12-17 O Dahlblom 2022-12-08 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I if eq != None: if np.size(eq) > 1: error("eq should be a scalar !!!") return else: qY = eq[0] else: qY = 0 x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) K0le = np.array([ [ DEA/L, 0., 0., -DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., 12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2, 0., -12*DEI/L**3, 6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 2*DEI/L], [-DEA/L, 0., 0., DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., -12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2, 0., 12*DEI/L**3, -6*DEI/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI/L**2, 2*DEI/L, 0., -6*DEI/L**2, 4*DEI/L] ]) Ksle = QX/(30*L)*np.array([ [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 36., 3*L, 0., -36., 3*L], [ 0., 3*L, 4*L**2, 0., -3*L, -L**2], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., -36., -3*L, 0., 36., -3*L], [ 0., 3*L, -L**2, 0., -3*L, 4*L**2] ]) fle = qY*L*np.array([0, 1/2, L/12, 0, 1/2, -L/12]).reshape(6,1) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Kle = K0le+Ksle Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam2gs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq=None, nep=None): """ es, QX = beam2gs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX) es, QX = beam2gs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq) es, QX, edi, eci = beam2gs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq, nep) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate section forces in a two dimensional nonlinear beam element (beam2ge). INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E, A, I] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia ed = [u1, ... ,u6] element displacement vector QX axial force eq = [qy] distributed transverse load nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [ N1 V1 M1 section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 ........] QX axial force edi = [ u1 v1 element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 .....] eci = [ x1 local x-coordinates of the evaluation x2 points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-01 O Dahlblom 2022-12-06 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I if eq != None: if np.size(eq) > 1: error("eq should be a scalar !!!") return else: qY = eq[0] else: qY = 0 x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[3] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[2], edl[4], edl[5] ]) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v + QX/DEI*np.concatenate((zero, zero, (X**4-2*L*X**3+L**2*X**2)/12, (X**5-3*L**2*X**3+2*L**3*X**2)/20), 1) @ C2a + \ (X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) dv = dv + QX/DEI*np.concatenate((zero, zero, (2*X**3-3*L*X**2+L**2*X)/6, (5*X**4-9*L**2*X**2+4*L**3*X)/20), 1) @ C2a + \ (2*X**3 - 3*L*X**2 + L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI) d2v = d2v + QX/DEI*np.concatenate((zero, zero, (6*X**2-6*L*X+L**2*one)/6, (10*X**3-9*L**2*X+2*L**3*one)/10), 1) @ C2a + \ (6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v + QX/DEI*np.concatenate((zero, zero, (2*X-L*one), (30*X**2-9*L**2*one)/10), 1) @ C2a + \ (2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) QX = DEA*du.item(0) M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v N=QX+dv*V es = np.concatenate((N, V, M), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es, QX else: return es, QX, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2gxe(ex, ey, ep, QX, eq=None): """ Ke = beam2gxe(ex, ey, ep, QX) Ke, fe = beam2gxe(ex, ey, ep, QX, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the element stiffness matrix for a two dimensional beam element with respect to geometric nonlinearity with exact solution. INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E, A, I] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia QX axial force in the beam eq distributed transverse load OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-06-21 O Dahlblom 2022-12-06 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I if eq != None: if np.size(eq) > 1: error("eq should be a scalar !!!") return else: qY = eq[0] else: qY = 0 x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) eps = 1e-12 if QX < -eps*DEI/L**2: kL = np.sqrt(-QX/DEI)*L f1 = (kL/2)/np.tan(kL/2) f2 = kL**2/(12*(1-f1)) f3 = f1/4+3*f2/4 f4 = -f1/2+3*f2/2 f5 = f1*f2 h = 6*(2/kL**2-(1+np.cos(kL))/(kL*np.sin(kL))) elif QX > eps*DEI/L**2: kL = np.sqrt(QX/DEI)*L f1 = (kL/2)/np.tanh(kL/2) f2 = -(1/12.)*kL**2/(1-f1) f3 = f1/4+3*f2/4 f4 = -f1/2+3*f2/2 f5 = f1*f2 h = -6*(2/kL**2-(1+np.cosh(kL))/(kL*np.sinh(kL))) else: f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = f5 = h = 1 Kle = np.array([ [DEA/L, 0., 0., -DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., 12*DEI*f5/L**3, 6*DEI*f2/L**2, 0., -12*DEI*f5/L**3, 6*DEI*f2/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI*f2/L**2, 4*DEI*f3/L, 0., -6*DEI*f2/L**2, 2*DEI*f4/L], [-DEA/L, 0., 0., DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., -12*DEI*f5/L**3, -6*DEI*f2/L**2, 0., 12*DEI*f5/L**3, -6*DEI*f2/L**2], [0., 6*DEI*f2/L**2, 2*DEI*f4/L, 0., -6*DEI*f2/L**2, 4*DEI*f3/L] ]) fle = qY*L*np.array([0., 1/2., L*h/12, 0., 1/2., -L*h/12]).reshape(6,1) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam2gxs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq=None, nep=None): """ es, QX = beam2gxs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX) es, QX = beam2gxs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq) es, QX, edi, eci = beam2gxs(ex, ey, ep, ed, QX, eq, nep) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate section forces in a two dimensional nonlinear beam element (beam2gxe). INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E, A, I] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia ed = [u1, ... ,u6] element displacement vector QX axial force eq = [qy] distributed transverse load nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [ N1 V1 M1 section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 ........] QX axial force edi = [ u1 v1 element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 .....] eci = [ x1 local x-coordinates of the evaluation x2 points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-09-17 O Dahlblom 2022-12-06 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, A, I = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I if eq != None: if np.size(eq) > 1: error("eq should be a scalar !!!") return else: qY = eq[0] else: qY = 0 x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[3] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[2], edl[4], edl[5] ]) eps = 1e-12 if QX < -eps*DEI/L**2: k = np.sqrt(-QX/DEI) kL = k*L C2 = 1/(k*(-2*(1-np.cos(kL))+kL*np.sin(kL)))*np.array([ [k*(kL*np.sin(kL)+np.cos(kL)-1), -kL*np.cos(kL)+np.sin(kL), -k*(1-np.cos(kL)), -np.sin(kL)+kL], [-(k**2)*np.sin(kL), -k*(1-np.cos(kL)), (k**2)*np.sin(kL), -k*(1-np.cos(kL))], [-k*(1-np.cos(kL)), kL*np.cos(kL)-np.sin(kL), k*(1-np.cos(kL)), np.sin(kL)-kL], [k*np.sin(kL), (kL*np.sin(kL)+np.cos(kL)-1), -k*np.sin(kL), (1-np.cos(kL))] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 v = np.concatenate((one, X, np.cos(k*X), np.sin(k*X)), 1) @ C2a dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, -k*np.sin(k*X), k*np.cos(k*X)), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, -k**2*np.cos(k*X), -k**2*np.sin(k*X)), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, k**3*np.sin(k*X), -k**3*np.cos(k*X)), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+qY*L**4/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cos(kL))/(kL**3*np.sin(kL))*(-1+np.cos(k*X))+np.sin(k*X)/kL**3+X*(-1+X/L)/(kL**2*L)) dv = dv+qY*L**3/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cos(kL))/(kL**2*np.sin(kL))*(-np.sin(k*X))+np.cos(k*X)/kL**2+(-1+2*X/L)/kL**2) d2v = d2v+qY*L**2/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cos(kL))/(kL*np.sin(kL))*(-np.cos(k*X))-np.sin(k*X)/kL+2/(kL**2)) d3v = d3v+qY*L/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cos(kL))/np.sin(kL)*(np.sin(k*X))-np.cos(k*X)) elif QX > eps*DEI/L**2: k = np.sqrt(QX/DEI) kL = k*L C2 = 1/(k*(-2*(1-np.cosh(kL))-kL*np.sinh(kL)))*np.array([ [k*(-kL*np.sinh(kL)+np.cosh(kL)-1), -kL*np.cosh(kL)+np.sinh(kL), -k*(1-np.cosh(kL)), -np.sinh(kL)+kL], [(k**2)*np.sinh(kL), -k*(1-np.cosh(kL)), -(k**2)*np.sinh(kL), -k*(1-np.cosh(kL))], [-k*(1-np.cosh(kL)), kL*np.cosh(kL)-np.sinh(kL), k*(1-np.cosh(kL)), np.sinh(kL)-kL], [-k*np.sinh(kL), (-kL*np.sinh(kL)+np.cosh(kL)-1), k*np.sinh(kL), (1-np.cosh(kL))] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 v = np.concatenate((one, X, np.cosh(k*X), np.sinh(k*X)), 1) @ C2a dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, k*np.sinh(k*X), k*np.cosh(k*X)), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, k**2*np.cosh(k*X), k**2*np.sinh(k*X)), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, k**3*np.sinh(k*X), k**3*np.cosh(k*X)), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+qY*L**4/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cosh(kL))/(kL**3*np.sinh(kL))*(-1+np.cosh(k*X))-np.sinh(k*X)/kL**3+X*(1-X/L)/(kL**2*L)) dv = dv+qY*L**3/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cosh(kL))/(kL**2*np.sinh(kL))*(np.sinh(k*X))-np.cosh(k*X)/kL**2+(1-2*X/L)/kL**2) d2v = d2v+qY*L**2/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cosh(kL))/(kL*np.sinh(kL))*(np.cosh(k*X))-np.sinh(k*X)/kL-2/(kL**2)) d3v = d3v+qY*L/(2*DEI)*((1+np.cosh(kL))/np.sinh(kL)*(np.sinh(k*X))-np.cosh(k*X)) else: C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a d2v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI) dv = dv+(2*X**3 -3*L*X**2 +L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI) d2v = d2v +(6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEI) d3v = d3v +(2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEI) QX = DEA*du.item(0) M = DEI*d2v V = -DEI*d3v N=QX+dv*V es = np.concatenate((N, V, M), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es, QX else: return es, QX, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2te(ex, ey, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam2te(ex, ey, ep) Ke, fe = beam2te(ex, ey, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute the stiffness matrix for a two dimensional Timoshenko beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] element node coordinates ey = [y1 y2] ep = [E Gm A I ks] element properties; E: Young's modulus G: shear modulus A: Cross section area I: moment of inertia ks: shear correction factor eq = [qX qY] distributed loads, local directions OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [6 x 6] fe : element load vector [6 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-11-05 O Dahlblom 2022-12-08 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, Gm, A, I, ks = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I DGAks = Gm*A*ks qX = 0. qY = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) m = (12*DEI)/(L**2*DGAks) f1=1/(1+m) f2=f1*(1+m/4) f3=f1*(1-m/2) Kle = np.array([ [ DEA/L, 0., 0., -DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., 12*DEI*f1/L**3, 6*DEI*f1/L**2, 0., -12*DEI*f1/L**3, 6*DEI*f1/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI*f1/L**2, 4*DEI*f2/L, 0., -6*DEI*f1/L**2, 2*DEI*f3/L], [-DEA/L, 0., 0., DEA/L, 0., 0.], [ 0., -12*DEI*f1/L**3, -6*DEI*f1/L**2, 0., 12*DEI*f1/L**3, -6*DEI*f1/L**2], [ 0., 6*DEI*f1/L**2, 2*DEI*f3/L, 0., -6*DEI*f1/L**2, 4*DEI*f2/L] ]) fle = L*np.array([qX/2, qY/2, qY*L/12, qX/2, qY/2, -qY*L/12]).reshape(6,1) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam2ts(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam2ts(ex, ey, ep, ed) es = beam2ts(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = beam2s(ex, ey, ep, ed, eq, nep) --------------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Compute section forces in two dimensional Timoshenko beam element (beam2te). INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] ey = [y1 y2] element node coordinates ep = [E G A I ks] element properties, E: Young's modulus G: shear modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia ks: shear correction factor ed = [u1 ... u6] element displacements eq = [qx qy] distributed loads, local directions nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [ N1 V1 M1 section forces, local directions, in N2 V2 M2 n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 3 ........] edi = [ u1 v1 teta1 element displacements, local directions, u2 v2 teta2 in n points along the beam, dim(es)= n x 2 ...........] (Note! For Timoshenko beam element the rotation of the cross section is not equal to dv/dx) eci = [ x1 local x-coordinates of the evaluation x2 points, (x1=0 and xn=L) ...] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2021-11-05 O Dahlblom 2022-12-08 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, Gm, A, I, ks = ep DEA = E*A DEI = E*I DGAks = Gm*A*ks alpha=DEI/DGAks qX = 0. qY = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY = eq ne=2 if nep != None: ne=nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) nxX = dx/L nyX = dy/L nxY = -dy/L nyY = dx/L G = np.array([ [nxX, nyX, 0, 0, 0, 0], [nxY, nyY, 0, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxX, nyX, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, nxY, nyY, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(6,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[3] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[2], edl[4], edl[5] ]) C2 = 1/(L**2+12*alpha)*np.array([ [L**2+12*alpha, 0., 0., 0.], [ -12*alpha/L, L**2+6*alpha, 12*alpha/L, -6*alpha], [ -3., -2*L-6*alpha/L, 3., -L+6*alpha/L], [ 2/L, 1., -2/L, 1.] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u -(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du -(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a dv = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2), 1) @ C2a theta = np.concatenate((zero, one, 2*X, 3*X**2+6*alpha), 1) @ C2a dtheta=np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a if DEI != 0: v = v+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEI)+(-X**2/2+L*X/2)*qY/DGAks dv = dv+(2*X**3 - 3*L*X**2 + L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI)+(-X+L/2)*qY/DGAks theta = theta+(2*X**3-3*L*X**2+L**2*X)*qY/(12*DEI) dtheta = dtheta+(6*X**2-6*L*X+L**2)*qY/(12*DEI) N = DEA*du M = DEI*dtheta V = DGAks*(dv-theta) es = np.concatenate((N, V, M), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v, theta), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def beam2de(ex, ey, ep): """ Ke, Me = beam2de(ex, ey, ep) Ke, Me, Ce = beam2de(ex, ey, ep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the stiffness matrix Ke, the mass matrix Me and the damping matrix Ce for a 2D elastic Bernoulli beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E,A,I,m,(a,b)] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia m: mass per unit length a,b: damping coefficients, Ce=aMe+bKe OUTPUT: Ke element stiffness matrix (6 x 6) Me element mass martix Ce element damping matrix, optional ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: K Persson 1995-08-23 O Dahlblom 2022-12-08 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ b = np.array([ [ex[1]-ex[0]], [ey[1]-ey[0]] ]) L = np.sqrt(b.T @ b).item(0) n = np.array(b/L).reshape(2,) a = 0 b = 0 if np.size(ep) == 4: E, A, I, m = ep elif np.size(ep) == 6: E, A, I, m, a, b = ep print ("E, A, I, m, a, b, L") print (E, A, I, m, a, b, L) Kle = np.array([ [E*A/L, 0, 0, -E*A/L, 0, 0], [0, 12*E*I/L**3, 6*E*I/L**2, 0, -12*E*I/L**3, 6*E*I/L**2], [0, 6*E*I/L**2, 4*E*I/L, 0, -6*E*I/L**2, 2*E*I/L], [-E*A/L, 0, 0, E*A/L, 0, 0], [0, -12*E*I/L**3, -6*E*I/L**2, 0, 12*E*I/L**3, -6*E*I/L**2], [0, 6*E*I/L**2, 2*E*I/L, 0, -6*E*I/L**2, 4*E*I/L] ]) Mle = m*L/420*np.array([ [140, 0, 0, 70, 0, 0], [0, 156, 22*L, 0, 54, -13*L], [0, 22*L, 4*L**2, 0, 13*L, -3*L**2], [70, 0, 0, 140, 0, 0], [0, 54, 13*L, 0, 156, -22*L], [0, -13*L, -3*L**2, 0, -22*L, 4*L**2] ]) Cle = a*Mle+b*Kle G = np.array([ [n[0], n[1], 0, 0, 0, 0], [-n[1], n[0], 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n[0], n[1], 0], [0, 0, 0, -n[1], n[0], 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G Me = G.T @ Mle @ G Ce = G.T @ Cle @ G if np.size(ep) == 4: return Ke, Me elif np.size(ep) == 6: return Ke, Me, Ce
[docs]def beam2ds(ex, ey, ep, ed, ev, ea): """ es = beam2ds(ex, ey, ep, ed, ev, ea) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the element forces for a number of identical (nie) 2D Bernoulli beam elements in dynamic analysis. INPUT: ex = [x1, x2] ey = [y1, y2] element node coordinates ep = [E,A,I,m,(a,b)] element properties; E: Young's modulus A: cross section area I: moment of inertia m: mass per unit length a,b: damping coefficients, Ce=aMe+bKe ed : element displacement matrix ev : element velocity matrix ea : element acceleration matrix OUTPUT: es : element forces in local directions, = [-N1 -V1 -M1 N2 V2 M2; ....... ......] ; dim(es)= nie x 6 ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: K Persson 1995-08-23 O Dahlblom 2022-12-08 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ b = np.array([ [ex[1]-ex[0]], [ey[1]-ey[0]] ]) L = np.sqrt(b.T @ b).item(0) n = np.array(b/L).reshape(2,) a = 0 b = 0 if np.size(ep) == 4: E, A, I, m = ep elif np.size(ep) == 6: E, A, I, m, a, b = ep Kle = np.array([ [E*A/L, 0, 0, -E*A/L, 0, 0], [0, 12*E*I/L**3, 6*E*I/L**2, 0, -12*E*I/L**3, 6*E*I/L**2], [0, 6*E*I/L**2, 4*E*I/L, 0, -6*E*I/L**2, 2*E*I/L], [-E*A/L, 0, 0, E*A/L, 0, 0], [0, -12*E*I/L**3, -6*E*I/L**2, 0, 12*E*I/L**3, -6*E*I/L**2], [0, 6*E*I/L**2, 2*E*I/L, 0, -6*E*I/L**2, 4*E*I/L] ]) Mle = m*L/420*np.array([ [140, 0, 0, 70, 0, 0], [0, 156, 22*L, 0, 54, -13*L], [0, 22*L, 4*L**2, 0, 13*L, -3*L**2], [70, 0, 0, 140, 0, 0], [0, 54, 13*L, 0, 156, -22*L], [0, -13*L, -3*L**2, 0, -22*L, 4*L**2] ]) Cle = a*Mle+b*Kle G = np.array([ [n[0], n[1], 0, 0, 0, 0], [-n[1], n[0], 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n[0], n[1], 0], [0, 0, 0, -n[1], n[0], 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) nie, ned = ed.shape es = np.array(np.zeros((nie, 6))) for i in range(nie): d = ed[i,:].reshape(6,1) v = ev[i,:].reshape(6,1) a = ea[i,:].reshape(6,1) es[i,:] = (Kle @ G @ d + Cle @ G @ v + Mle @ G @ a).T # [nie,ned]=size(ed); # for i=1:nie # d=ed(i,:)'; # v=ev(i,:)'; # a=ea(i,:)'; # es(i,:)=(Kle*G*d+Cle*G*v+Mle*G*a)'; return es
[docs]def beam3e(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, eq=None): """ Ke = beam3e(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep) Ke, fe = beam3e(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the stiffness matrix for a 3D elastic Bernoulli beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] ey = [y1 y2] ez = [z1 z2] element node coordinates eo = [xz yz zz] orientation of local z-axis ep = [E G A Iy Iz Kv] element properties E: Young's modulus G: Shear modulus A: Cross section area Iy: Moment of inertia, local y-axis Iz: Moment of inertia, local z-axis Kv: Saint-Venant's torsion constant eq = [qX qY qZ qW] distributed loads, local directions OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix [12 x 12] fe : element load vector [12 x 1] (if eq!=None) ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-19 O Dahlblom 2022-11-21 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, Gs, A, Iy, Iz, Kv = ep DEA = E*A DEIz = E*Iz DEIy = E*Iy DGK = Gs*Kv qX = 0. qY = 0. qZ = 0. qW = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY, qZ, qW = eq x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey z1, z2 = ez dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 dz = z2-z1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) a = DEA/L b = 12*DEIz/L**3 c = 6*DEIz/L**2 d = 12*DEIy/L**3 e = 6*DEIy/L**2 f = DGK/L g = 2*DEIy/L h = 2*DEIz/L Kle = np.array([ [a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, b, 0, 0, 0, c, 0, -b, 0, 0, 0, c], [0, 0, d, 0, -e, 0, 0, 0, -d, 0, -e, 0], [0, 0, 0, f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -f, 0, 0], [0, 0, -e, 0, 2*g, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, g, 0], [0, c, 0, 0, 0, 2*h, 0, -c, 0, 0, 0, h], [-a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, a, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, -b, 0, 0, 0, -c, 0, b, 0, 0, 0, -c], [0, 0, -d, 0, e, 0, 0, 0, d, 0, e, 0], [0, 0, 0, -f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, f, 0, 0], [0, 0, -e, 0, g, 0, 0, 0, e, 0, 2*g, 0], [0, c, 0, 0, 0, h, 0, -c, 0, 0, 0, 2*h] ]) fle = L/2*np.array([qX, qY, qZ, qW, -qZ*L/6, qY*L/6, qX, qY, qZ, qW, qZ*L/6, -qY*L/6]).reshape(12,1) n1 = np.array([dx, dy, dz])/L lc = np.sqrt(eo @ eo.T) eo1= np.array(eo/lc) n2a = np.cross(eo1,n1) n2al = np.sqrt(n2a @ n2a.T) n2=n2a/n2al n3 = np.cross(n1,n2) G = np.array([ [n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2]], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2]], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2]] ]) Ke = G.T @ Kle @ G fe = G.T @ fle if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def beam3s(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, ed, eq=None, nep=None): """ es = beam3s(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, ed) es = beam3s(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, ed, eq) es, edi, eci = beam3s(ex, ey, ez, eo, ep, ed, eq, nep) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the variation of the section forces and displacements along a three-dimensional beam element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2] ey = [y1 y2] ez = [z1 z2] element node coordinates eo = [xz yz zz] orientation of local z-axis ep = [E G A Iy Iz Kv] element properties E: Young's modulus G: Shear modulus A: Cross section area Iy: Moment of inertia, local y-axis Iz: Moment of inertia, local z-axis Kv: Saint-Venant's torsion constant ed = [u1 ... u12] element displacements eq = [qX qY qZ qW] distributed loads, local directions nep number of evaluation points ( default=2 ) OUTPUT: es = [[N1,Vy1,Vz1,T1,My1,Mz1], section forces in n points along [N2,Vy2,Vz2,T2,My2,Mz2], the local x-axis [..,...,...,..,...,...], [Nn,Vyn,Vzn,Tn,Myn,Mzn]] edi = [[u1,v1,w1,fi1], displacements in n points along [u2,v2,w2,fi2], the local x-axis [..,..,..,...], [un,vn,wn,fin]] eci = [[x1], local x-coordinates of the evaluation [x2], points [..], [xn]] ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: O Dahlblom 2015-10-19 O Dahlblom 2022-11-23 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ E, Gs, A, Iy, Iz, Kv = ep DEA = E*A DEIz = E*Iz DEIy = E*Iy DGK = Gs*Kv qX = 0. qY = 0. qZ = 0. qW = 0. if not eq is None: qX, qY, qZ, qW = eq ne = 2 if nep != None: ne = nep x1, x2 = ex y1, y2 = ey z1, z2 = ez dx = x2-x1 dy = y2-y1 dz = z2-z1 L = np.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz) n1 = np.array([dx, dy, dz])/L lc = np.sqrt(eo @ eo.T) eo1= np.array(eo/lc) n2a = np.cross(eo1,n1) n2al = np.sqrt(n2a @ n2a.T) n2=n2a/n2al n3 = np.cross(n1,n2) G = np.array([ [n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n1[0], n1[1], n1[2]], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n2[0], n2[1], n2[2]], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, n3[0], n3[1], n3[2]] ]) edl = G @ ed.reshape(12,1) a1 = np.array([ edl[0], edl[6] ]) C1 = np.array([ [1., 0.], [-1/L, 1/L] ]) C1a = C1 @ a1 a2 = np.array([ edl[1], edl[5], edl[7], edl[11] ]) C2 = np.array([ [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.], [-3/L**2, -2/L, 3/L**2, -1/L], [2/L**3, 1/L**2, -2/L**3, 1/L**2] ]) C2a = C2 @ a2 a3 = np.array([ edl[2], -edl[4], edl[8], -edl[10] ]) C3 = C2 C3a = C3 @ a3 a4 = np.array([ edl[3], edl[9] ]) C4 = C1 C4a = C4 @ a4 X = np.linspace(0., L+L/(ne-1), ne).reshape(ne,1) #X = np.arange(0., L+L/(ne-1), L/(ne-1)).reshape(ne,1) zero = np.zeros(ne).reshape(ne,1) one = np.ones(ne).reshape(ne,1) u = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C1a du = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C1a if DEA != 0: u = u-(X**2-L*X)*qX/(2*DEA) du = du-(2*X-L)*qX/(2*DEA) v = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C2a d2v=np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C2a d3v = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C2a if DEIz != 0: v = v+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qY/(24*DEIz) d2v = d2v+(6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qY/(12*DEIz) d3v = d3v+(2*X - L*one)*qY/(2*DEIz) w = np.concatenate((one, X, X**2, X**3), 1) @ C3a d2w = np.concatenate((zero, zero, 2*one, 6*X), 1) @ C3a d3w = np.concatenate((zero, zero, zero, 6*one), 1) @ C3a if DEIy != 0: w = w+(X**4 - 2*L*X**3 + L**2*X**2)*qZ/(24*DEIy) d2w = d2w+(6*X**2 - 6*L*X + L**2*one)*qZ/(12*DEIy) d3w = d3w+(2*X - L*one)*qZ/(2*DEIy) fi = np.concatenate((one, X), 1) @ C4a dfi = np.concatenate((zero, one), 1) @ C4a if DGK != 0: fi = fi-(X**2-L*X)*qW/(2*DGK) dfi = dfi-(2*X-L)*qW/(2*DGK) N = DEA*du Mz = DEIz*d2v Vy = -DEIz*d3v My = -DEIy*d2w Vz = -DEIy*d3w T = DGK*dfi es = np.concatenate((N, Vy, Vz, T, My, Mz), 1) edi = np.concatenate((u, v, w, fi), 1) eci = X if nep is None: return es else: return es, edi, eci
[docs]def flw2te(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Compute element stiffness (conductivity) matrix for a triangular field element. Parameters: ex = [x1 x2 x3] ey = [y1 y2 y3] element coordinates ep = [t] element thickness D = [kxx kxy; kyx kyy] constitutive matrix eq heat supply per unit volume Returns: Ke element 'stiffness' matrix (3 x 3) fe element load vector (3 x 1) """ t = ep[0] if eq is None: eq = 0. exm = np.asmatrix(ex) eym = np.asmatrix(ey) C = np.asmatrix(np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), exm.T, eym.T])) B = np.matrix([ [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.] ])*C.I A = 0.5*np.linalg.det(C) Ke = B.T*D*B*t*A fe = np.matrix([[1., 1., 1.]]).T*eq*A*t/3 if eq == 0.: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def flw2ts(ex, ey, D, ed): """ Compute flows or corresponding quantities in the triangular field element. Parameters: ex = [x1 x2 x3] ey = [y1 y2 y3] element coordinates D = [kxx kxy kyx kyy] constitutive matrix ed =[u1 u2 u3] u1,u2,u3: nodal values .. .. ..; Returns: es=[ qx qy ] ... ..] element flows et=[ gx gy ] ... ..] element gradients """ if len(ex.shape) > 1: qs = np.zeros([ex.shape[0], 2]) qt = np.zeros([ex.shape[0], 2]) row = 0 for exr, eyr, edr in zip(ex, ey, ed): exm = np.asmatrix(exr) eym = np.asmatrix(eyr) edm = np.asmatrix(edr) C = np.asmatrix(np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), exm.T, eym.T])) B = np.matrix([ [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.] ])*C.I qs[row, :] = (-D*B*edm.T).T qt[row, :] = (B*edm.T).T row += 1 return qs, qt else: exm = np.asmatrix(ex) eym = np.asmatrix(ey) edm = np.asmatrix(ed) C = np.asmatrix(np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), exm.T, eym.T])) B = np.matrix([ [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.] ])*C.I qs = -D*B*edm.T qt = B*edm.T return qs.T, qt.T
[docs]def flw2qe(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Compute element stiffness (conductivity) matrix for a triangular field element. Parameters: ex = [x1, x2, x3, x4] ey = [y1, y2, y3, y4] element coordinates ep = [t] element thickness D = [[kxx, kxy], [kyx, kyy]] constitutive matrix eq heat supply per unit volume Returns: Ke element 'stiffness' matrix (4 x 4) fe element load vector (4 x 1) """ xc = sum(ex)/4. yc = sum(ey)/4. K = np.zeros((5, 5)) f = np.zeros((5, 1)) if eq is None: k1 = flw2te([ex[0], ex[1], xc], [ey[0], ey[1], yc], ep, D) K = assem(np.array([1, 2, 5]), K, k1) k1 = flw2te([ex[1], ex[2], xc], [ey[1], ey[2], yc], ep, D) K = assem(np.array([2, 3, 5]), K, k1) k1 = flw2te([ex[2], ex[3], xc], [ey[2], ey[3], yc], ep, D) K = assem(np.array([3, 4, 5]), K, k1) k1 = flw2te([ex[3], ex[0], xc], [ey[3], ey[0], yc], ep, D) K = assem(np.array([4, 1, 5]), K, k1) else: k1, f1 = flw2te([ex[0], ex[1], xc], [ey[0], ey[1], yc], ep, D, eq) K, f = assem(np.array([1, 2, 5]), K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te([ex[1], ex[2], xc], [ey[1], ey[2], yc], ep, D, eq) K, f = assem(np.array([2, 3, 5]), K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te([ex[2], ex[3], xc], [ey[2], ey[3], yc], ep, D, eq) K, f = assem(np.array([3, 4, 5]), K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te([ex[3], ex[0], xc], [ey[3], ey[0], yc], ep, D, eq) K, f = assem(np.array([4, 1, 5]), K, k1, f, f1) Ke1, fe1 = statcon(K, f, np.array([5])) Ke = Ke1 fe = fe1 if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def flw2qs(ex, ey, ep, D, ed, eq=None): """ Compute flows or corresponding quantities in the quadrilateral field element. Parameters: ex = [x1, x2, x3, x4] ey = [y1, y2, y3, y4] element coordinates ep = [t] element thickness D = [[kxx, kxy], [kyx, kyy]] constitutive matrix ed = [[u1, u2, u3, u4], [.., .., .., ..]] u1,u2,u3,u4: nodal values eq heat supply per unit volume Returns: es = [[qx, qy], [.., ..]] element flows et = [[gx, gy], [.., ..]] element gradients """ K = np.zeros((5, 5)) f = np.zeros((5, 1)) xm = sum(ex)/4 ym = sum(ey)/4 if eq is None: q = 0 else: q = eq En = np.array([ [1, 2, 5], [2, 3, 5], [3, 4, 5], [4, 1, 5] ]) ex1 = np.array([ex[0], ex[1], xm]) ey1 = np.array([ey[0], ey[1], ym]) ex2 = np.array([ex[1], ex[2], xm]) ey2 = np.array([ey[1], ey[2], ym]) ex3 = np.array([ex[2], ex[3], xm]) ey3 = np.array([ey[2], ey[3], ym]) ex4 = np.array([ex[3], ex[0], xm]) ey4 = np.array([ey[3], ey[0], ym]) if eq is None: k1 = flw2te(ex1, ey1, ep, D) K = assem(En[0], K, k1) k1 = flw2te(ex2, ey2, ep, D) K = assem(En[1], K, k1) k1 = flw2te(ex3, ey3, ep, D) K = assem(En[2], K, k1) k1 = flw2te(ex4, ey4, ep, D) K = assem(En[3], K, k1) else: k1, f1 = flw2te(ex1, ey1, ep, D, q) K, f = assem(En[0], K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te(ex2, ey2, ep, D, q) K, f = assem(En[1], K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te(ex3, ey3, ep, D, q) K, f = assem(En[2], K, k1, f, f1) k1, f1 = flw2te(ex4, ey4, ep, D, q) K, f = assem(En[3], K, k1, f, f1) if ed.ndim == 1: ed = np.array([ed]) ni, nj = np.shape(ed) a = np.zeros((5, ni)) for i in range(ni): a[np.ix_(range(5), [i])], r = np.asarray( solveq(K, f, np.arange(1, 5), ed[i])) s1, t1 = flw2ts(ex1, ey1, D, a[np.ix_(En[0, :]-1, np.arange(ni))].T) s2, t2 = flw2ts(ex2, ey2, D, a[np.ix_(En[1, :]-1, np.arange(ni))].T) s3, t3 = flw2ts(ex3, ey3, D, a[np.ix_(En[2, :]-1, np.arange(ni))].T) s4, t4 = flw2ts(ex4, ey4, D, a[np.ix_(En[3, :]-1, np.arange(ni))].T) es = (s1+s2+s3+s4)/4. et = (t1+t2+t3+t4)/4. return es, et
[docs]def flw2i4e(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Compute element stiffness (conductivity) matrix for 4 node isoparametric field element Parameters: ex = [x1 x2 x3 x4] element coordinates ey = [y1 y2 y3 y4] ep = [t ir] thickness and integration rule D = [[kxx kxy], [kyx kyy]] constitutive matrix eq heat supply per unit volume Returns: Ke element 'stiffness' matrix (4 x 4) fe element load vector (4 x 1) """ t = ep[0] ir = ep[1] ngp = ir*ir if eq is None: q = 0 else: q = eq if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.mat([g1, g1]) w = np.mat([w1, w1]) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1] ]) elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [-g2, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g2], [g2, g2], [g1, g2], [-g1, g1], [g2, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w2], [w2, w2], [w1, w2], [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1] ]) else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") wp = np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] r2 = ngp*2 N = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta))/4. N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 4))) dNr[0:r2:2, 0] = -(1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 1] = (1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 2] = (1+eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 3] = -(1+eta)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 0] = -(1-xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 1] = -(1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 2] = (1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 3] = (1-xsi)/4. Ke1 = np.mat(np.zeros((4, 4))) fe1 = np.mat(np.zeros((4, 1))) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey]).T for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobi determinant == 0") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] Ke1 = Ke1+B.T*D*B*detJ*wp[i].item() fe1 = fe1+N[i, :].T*detJ*wp[i] if eq is None: return Ke1*t else: return Ke1*t, fe1*t*eq
[docs]def flw2i4s(ex, ey, ep, D, ed): """ Compute flows or corresponding quantities in the 4 node isoparametric element. Parameters: ex = [x1 x2 x3 x4] element coordinates ey = [y1 y2 y3 y4] ep = [t ir] thickness and integration rule D = [[kxx kxy], [kyx kyy]] constitutive matrix ed = [u1, u2, u3, u4] u1,u2,u3,u4: nodal values Returns: es = [[qx, qy], [.., ..]] element flows et = [[qx, qy], [... ..]] element gradients eci=[[ix1, iy1], Gauss point location vector [... ...], nint: number of integration points [ix(nint), iy(nint)] """ t = ep[0] ir = ep[1] ngp = ir*ir if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.mat([g1, g1]) w = np.mat([w1, w1]) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1] ]) elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [-g2, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g2], [g2, g2], [g1, g2], [-g1, g1], [g2, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w2], [w2, w2], [w1, w2], [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1] ]) else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") wp = np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] r2 = ngp*2 N = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta))/4. N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 4))) dNr[0:r2:2, 0] = -(1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 1] = (1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 2] = (1+eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 3] = -(1+eta)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 0] = -(1-xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 1] = -(1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 2] = (1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 3] = (1-xsi)/4. eci = N*np.mat([ex, ey]).T if ed.ndim == 1: ed = np.array([ed]) red, ced = np.shape(ed) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey]).T es = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 2))) et = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 2))) for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobi determinatn == 0") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] p1 = -D*B*ed.T p2 = B*ed.T es[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p1.T et[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p2.T return es, et, eci
[docs]def flw2i8e(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Compute element stiffness (conductivity) matrix for 8 node isoparametric field element. Parameters: ex = [x1, ..., x8] element coordinates ey = [y1, ..., y8] ep = [t, ir] thickness and integration rule D = [[kxx, kxy], [kyx, kyy]] constitutive matrix eq heat supply per unit volume Returns: Ke element 'stiffness' matrix (8 x 8) fe element load vector (8 x 1) """ t = ep[0] ir = ep[1] ngp = ir*ir if eq is None: q = 0 else: q = eq if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.mat([g1, g1]) w = np.mat([w1, w1]) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1] ]) elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [-g2, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g2], [g2, g2], [g1, g2], [-g1, g1], [g2, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w2], [w2, w2], [w1, w2], [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1] ]) else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") wp = np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] r2 = ngp*2 N = np.multiply(np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1+xsi+eta))/4. N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1-xsi+eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1-xsi-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1+xsi-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi)), (1-eta))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-np.multiply(eta, eta)))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi)), (1+eta))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1-np.multiply(eta, eta)))/2., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 8))) dNr[0:r2:2, 0] = -(-np.multiply((1-eta), (1+xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 1] = -(np.multiply((1-eta), (1-xsi+eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 2] = -(np.multiply((1+eta), (1-xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 3] = -(-np.multiply((1+eta), (1+xsi-eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 4] = -np.multiply(xsi, (1-eta)) dNr[0:r2:2, 5] = (1-np.multiply(eta, eta))/2. dNr[0:r2:2, 6] = -np.multiply(xsi, (1+eta)) dNr[0:r2:2, 7] = -(1-np.multiply(eta, eta))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 0] = -(-np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 1] = -(-np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 2] = -(np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 3] = -(np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 4] = -(1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 5] = -np.multiply(eta, (1+xsi)) dNr[1:r2+1:2, 6] = (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 7] = -np.multiply(eta, (1-xsi)) Ke1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 8))) fe1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 1))) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey]).T for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobideterminanten lika med noll!") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] Ke1 = Ke1+B.T*D*B*detJ*wp[i].item() fe1 = fe1+N[i, :].T*detJ*wp[i] if eq != None: return Ke1*t, fe1*t*q else: return Ke1*t
[docs]def flw2i8s(ex, ey, ep, D, ed): """ Compute flows or corresponding quantities in the 8 node isoparametric element. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3....,x8] element coordinates ey = [y1,y2,y3....,y8] ep = [t,ir] thickness and integration rule D = [[kxx,kxy], [kyx,kyy]] constitutive matrix ed = [u1,....,u8] u1,....,u8: nodal values Returns: es = [[qx,qy], [..,..]] element flows et = [[qx,qy], [..,..]] element gradients eci=[[ix1,iy1], Gauss point location vector [...,...], nint: number of integration points [ix(nint),iy(nint)]] """ t = ep[0] ir = ep[1] ngp = ir*ir if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.mat([g1, g1]) w = np.mat([w1, w1]) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1] ]) elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [-g2, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g2], [g2, g2], [g1, g2], [-g1, g1], [g2, g1], [g1, g1] ]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w2], [w2, w2], [w1, w2], [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1] ]) else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") wp = np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] r2 = ngp*2 N = np.multiply(np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1+xsi+eta))/4. N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1-xsi+eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1-xsi-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1+xsi-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi)), (1-eta))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-np.multiply(eta, eta)))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi)), (1+eta))/2., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1-np.multiply(eta, eta)))/2., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 8))) dNr[0:r2:2, 0] = -(-np.multiply((1-eta), (1+xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 1] = -(np.multiply((1-eta), (1-xsi+eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 2] = -(np.multiply((1+eta), (1-xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 3] = -(-np.multiply((1+eta), (1+xsi-eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 4] = -np.multiply(xsi, (1-eta)) dNr[0:r2:2, 5] = (1-np.multiply(eta, eta))/2. dNr[0:r2:2, 6] = -np.multiply(xsi, (1+eta)) dNr[0:r2:2, 7] = -(1-np.multiply(eta, eta))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 0] = -(-np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 1] = -(-np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-xsi+eta)) + np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 2] = -(np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 3] = -(np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+xsi-eta)) - np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)))/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 4] = -(1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 5] = -np.multiply(eta, (1+xsi)) dNr[1:r2+1:2, 6] = (1-np.multiply(xsi, xsi))/2. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 7] = -np.multiply(eta, (1-xsi)) eci = N*np.mat([ex, ey]).T if ed.ndim == 1: ed = np.array([ed]) red, ced = np.shape(ed) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey]).T es = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 2))) et = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 2))) for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobi determinant == 0") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] p1 = -D*B*ed.T p2 = B*ed.T es[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p1.T et[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p2.T return es, et, eci
[docs]def flw3i8e(ex, ey, ez, ep, D, eq=None): """ Compute element stiffness (conductivity) matrix for 8 node isoparametric field element. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3,...,x8] ey = [y1,y2,y3,...,y8] element coordinates ez = [z1,z2,z3,...,z8] ep = [ir] Ir: Integration rule D = [[kxx,kxy,kxz], [kyx,kyy,kyz], [kzx,kzy,kzz]] constitutive matrix eq heat supply per unit volume Output: Ke element 'stiffness' matrix (8 x 8) fe element load vector (8 x 1) """ ir = ep[0] ngp = ir*ir*ir if eq is None: q = 0 else: q = eq if ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, -1], [1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1] ])*g1 w = np.mat(np.ones((8, 3)))*w1 elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat(np.zeros((27, 3))) w = np.mat(np.zeros((27, 3))) I1 = np.array([-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]) I2 = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) gp[:, 0] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 0] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 0] I1 = abs(I1) I2 = abs(I2) w[:, 0] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 0] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 0] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) gp[:, 1] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 1] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 1] I1 = abs(I1) I2 = abs(I2) w[:, 1] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 1] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 1] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) I3 = abs(I1) gp[:, 2] = np.mat([I1, I2, I3]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 2] = np.mat([I2, I3, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 2] w[:, 2] = np.mat([I3, I2, I3]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 2] = np.mat([I2, I3, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 2] else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") return wp = np.multiply(np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]), w[:, 2]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] zet = gp[:, 2] r2 = ngp*3 N = np.multiply(np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1-zet))/8. N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 8))) dNr[0:r2:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 1] = np.multiply((1-eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 2] = np.multiply((1+eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 3] = np.multiply(-(1+eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 4] = np.multiply(-(1-eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 5] = np.multiply((1-eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 7] = np.multiply(-(1+eta), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 1] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 2] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 3] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 4] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 5] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 7] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 1] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 2] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 3] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 4] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 5] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 7] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)) dNr = dNr/8. Ke1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 8))) fe1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 1))) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey, ez]).T for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([3*(i+1)-2, 3*(i+1)-1, 3*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobi determinant == 0") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] Ke1 = Ke1+B.T*D*B*detJ*wp[i].item() fe1 = fe1+N[i, :].T*detJ*wp[i] if eq != None: return Ke1, fe1*q else: return Ke1
[docs]def flw3i8s(ex, ey, ez, ep, D, ed): """ Compute flows or corresponding quantities in the 8 node (3-dim) isoparametric field element. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3,...,x8] ey = [y1,y2,y3,...,y8] element coordinates ez = [z1,z2,z3,...,z8] ep = [ir] Ir: Integration rule D = [[kxx,kxy,kxz], [kyx,kyy,kyz], [kzx,kzy,kzz]] constitutive matrix ed = [[u1,....,u8], element nodal values [..,....,..]] Output: es = [[qx,qy,qz], [..,..,..]] element flows(s) et = [[qx,qy,qz], element gradients(s) [..,..,..]] eci = [[ix1,ix1,iz1], location vector [...,...,...], nint: number of integration points [ix(nint),iy(nint),iz(nint)]] """ ir = ep[0] ngp = ir*ir*ir if ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-1, -1, -1], [1, -1, -1], [1, 1, -1], [-1, 1, -1], [-1, -1, 1], [1, -1, 1], [1, 1, 1], [-1, 1, 1] ])*g1 w = np.mat(np.ones((8, 3)))*w1 elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat(np.zeros((27, 3))) w = np.mat(np.zeros((27, 3))) I1 = np.array([-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]) I2 = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]) gp[:, 0] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 0] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 0] I1 = abs(I1) I2 = abs(I2) w[:, 0] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 0] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 0] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]) gp[:, 1] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 1] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 1] I1 = abs(I1) I2 = abs(I2) w[:, 1] = np.mat([I1, I1, I1]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 1] = np.mat([I2, I2, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 1] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) I3 = abs(I1) gp[:, 2] = np.mat([I1, I2, I3]).reshape(27, 1)*g1 gp[:, 2] = np.mat([I2, I3, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*g2+gp[:, 2] w[:, 2] = np.mat([I3, I2, I3]).reshape(27, 1)*w1 w[:, 2] = np.mat([I2, I3, I2]).reshape(27, 1)*w2+w[:, 2] else: info("Used number of integration points not implemented") return wp = np.multiply(np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]), w[:, 2]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] zet = gp[:, 2] r2 = ngp*3 N = np.multiply(np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1-zet))/8. N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1-zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1-eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1-eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1+xsi), (1+eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply(np.multiply( (1-xsi), (1+eta)), (1+zet))/8., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 8))) dNr[0:r2:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 1] = np.multiply((1-eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 2] = np.multiply((1+eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 3] = np.multiply(-(1+eta), (1-zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 4] = np.multiply(-(1-eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 5] = np.multiply((1-eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+eta), (1+zet)) dNr[0:r2:3, 7] = np.multiply(-(1+eta), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 1] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 2] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 3] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 4] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 5] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[1:r2+1:3, 7] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+zet)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 0] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 1] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 2] = np.multiply(-(1+xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 3] = np.multiply(-(1-xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 4] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 5] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 6] = np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta)) dNr[2:r2+2:3, 7] = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta)) dNr = dNr/8. eci = N*np.mat([ex, ey, ez]).T if ed.ndim == 1: ed = np.array([ed]) red, ced = np.shape(ed) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey, ez]).T es = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 3))) et = np.mat(np.zeros((ngp*red, 3))) for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([3*(i+1)-2, 3*(i+1)-1, 3*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobideterminanten lika med noll!") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) B = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] p1 = -D*B*ed.T p2 = B*ed.T es[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p1.T et[i:ngp*red:ngp, :] = p2.T return es, et, eci
[docs]def plante(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Calculate the stiffness matrix for a triangular plane stress or plane strain element. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3] element coordinates ey = [y1,y2,y3] ep = [ptype,t] ptype: analysis type t: thickness D constitutive matrix eq = [[bx], bx: body force x-dir [by]] by: body force y-dir Returns: Ke element stiffness matrix (6 x 6) fe equivalent nodal forces (6 x 1) (if eq is given) """ ptype, t = ep bx = 0.0 by = 0.0 if not eq is None: bx = eq[0] by = eq[1] C = np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[2], ey[2]] ]) A = 0.5*np.linalg.det(np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2]] ])) # --------- plane stress -------------------------------------- if ptype == 1: B = np.mat([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ])*np.linalg.inv(C) colD = D.shape[1] if colD > 3: Cm = np.linalg.inv(D) Dm = np.linalg.inv(Cm[np.ix_((0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 3))]) else: Dm = D Ke = B.T*Dm*B*A*t fe = A/3*np.mat([bx, by, bx, by, bx, by]).T*t if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe.T #--------- plane strain -------------------------------------- elif ptype == 2: B = np.mat([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, ] ])*np.linalg.inv(C) colD = D.shape[1] if colD > 3: Dm = D[np.ix_((0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 3))] else: Dm = D Ke = B.T*Dm*B*A*t fe = A/3*np.mat([bx, by, bx, by, bx, by]).T*t if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe.T else: info("Error ! Check first argument, ptype=1 or 2 allowed") if eq is None: return None else: return None, None
[docs]def plants(ex, ey, ep, D, ed): """ Calculate element normal and shear stress for a triangular plane stress or plane strain element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2 x3] element coordinates ey = [y1 y2 y3] ep = [ptype t ] ptype: analysis type t: thickness D constitutive matrix ed =[u1 u2 ...u6 element displacement vector ...... ] one row for each element OUTPUT: es = [ sigx sigy [sigz] tauxy element stress matrix ...... ] one row for each element et = [ epsx epsy [epsz] gamxy element strain matrix ...... ] one row for each element """ ptype = ep[0] if np.ndim(ex) == 1: ex = np.array([ex]) if np.ndim(ey) == 1: ey = np.array([ey]) if np.ndim(ed) == 1: ed = np.array([ed]) rowed = ed.shape[0] rowex = ex.shape[0] # --------- plane stress -------------------------------------- if ptype == 1: colD = D.shape[1] if colD > 3: Cm = np.linalg.inv(D) Dm = np.linalg.inv(Cm[np.ix_((0, 1, 3), (0, 1, 3))]) else: Dm = D incie = 0 if rowex == 1: incie = 0 else: incie = 1 et = np.zeros([rowed, colD]) es = np.zeros([rowed, colD]) ie = 0 for i in range(rowed): C = np.matrix( [[1, ex[ie, 0], ey[ie, 0], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 0], ey[ie, 0]], [1, ex[ie, 1], ey[ie, 1], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 1], ey[ie, 1]], [1, ex[ie, 2], ey[ie, 2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 2], ey[ie, 2]]] ) B = np.matrix([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]])*np.linalg.inv(C) ee = B*np.asmatrix(ed[ie, :]).T if colD > 3: ss = np.zeros([colD, 1]) ss[[0, 1, 3]] = Dm*ee ee = Cm*ss else: ss = Dm*ee et[ie, :] = ee.T es[ie, :] = ss.T ie = ie + incie return es, et # --------- plane strain -------------------------------------- elif ptype == 2: # Implementation by LAPM colD = D.shape[1] incie = 0 if rowex == 1: incie = 0 else: incie = 1 et = np.zeros([rowed, colD]) es = np.zeros([rowed, colD]) ie = 0 ee = np.zeros([colD, 1]) for i in range(rowed): C = np.matrix( [[1, ex[ie, 0], ey[ie, 0], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 0], ey[ie, 0]], [1, ex[ie, 1], ey[ie, 1], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 1], ey[ie, 1]], [1, ex[ie, 2], ey[ie, 2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[ie, 2], ey[ie, 2]]] ) B = np.matrix([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]])*np.linalg.inv(C) e = B*np.asmatrix(ed[ie, :]).T if colD > 3: ee[[0, 1, 3]] = e else: ee = e et[ie, :] = ee.T es[ie, :] = (D*ee).T ie = ie + incie return es, et else: print("Error ! Check first argument, ptype=1 or 2 allowed") return None
[docs]def plantf(ex, ey, ep, es): """ Compute internal element force vector in a triangular element in plane stress or plane strain. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3] node coordinates ey = [y1,y2,y3] ep = [ptype,t] ptype: analysis type t: thickness es = [[sigx,sigy,[sigz],tauxy] element stress matrix [ ...... ]] one row for each element OUTPUT: fe = [[f1],[f2],...,[f8]] internal force vector """ ptype, t = ep colD = es.shape[1] #--------- plane stress -------------------------------------- if ptype == 1: C = np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[2], ey[2]] ]) A = 0.5*np.linalg.det(np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2]] ])) B = np.mat([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ])*np.linalg.inv(C) if colD > 3: stress = np.asmatrix(es[np.ix_((0, 1, 3))]) else: stress = np.asmatrix(es) ef = (A*t*B.T*stress.T).T return np.reshape(np.asarray(ef), 6) #--------- plane strain -------------------------------------- elif ptype == 2: C = np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2], 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, ex[2], ey[2]] ]) A = 0.5*np.linalg.det(np.mat([ [1, ex[0], ey[0]], [1, ex[1], ey[1]], [1, ex[2], ey[2]] ])) B = np.mat([ [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0] ])*np.linalg.inv(C) if colD > 3: stress = np.asmatrix(es[np.ix_((0, 1, 3))]) else: stress = np.asmatrix(es) ef = (A*t*B.T*stress.T).T return np.reshape(np.asarray(ef), (6,1)) else: info("Error ! Check first argument, ptype=1 or 2 allowed") return None
[docs]def platre(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Calculate the stiffness matrix for a rectangular plate element. NOTE! Element sides must be parallel to the coordinate axis. Parameters: ex = [x1,x2,x3,x4] element coordinates ey = [y1,y2,y3,y4] ep = [t] thicknes D constitutive matrix for plane stress eq = [qz] load/unit area Returns: Ke element stiffness matrix (12 x 12) fe equivalent nodal forces (12 x 1) """ Lx = (ex[2]-ex[0]).astype(float) Ly = (ey[2]-ey[0]).astype(float) t = ep[0] D = t**3/12.*D A1 = Ly/(Lx**3) A2 = Lx/(Ly**3) A3 = 1/Lx/Ly A4 = Ly/(Lx**2) A5 = Lx/(Ly**2) A6 = 1/Lx A7 = 1/Ly A8 = Ly/Lx A9 = Lx/Ly C1 = 4*A1*D[0, 0]+4*A2*D[1, 1]+2*A3*D[0, 1]+5.6*A3*D[2, 2] C2 = -4*A1*D[0, 0]+2*A2*D[1, 1]-2*A3*D[0, 1]-5.6*A3*D[2, 2] C3 = 2*A1*D[0, 0]-4*A2*D[1, 1]-2*A3*D[0, 1]-5.6*A3*D[2, 2] C4 = -2*A1*D[0, 0]-2*A2*D[1, 1]+2*A3*D[0, 1]+5.6*A3*D[2, 2] C5 = 2*A5*D[1, 1]+A6*D[0, 1]+0.4*A6*D[2, 2] C6 = 2*A4*D[0, 0]+A7*D[0, 1]+0.4*A7*D[2, 2] C7 = 2*A5*D[1, 1]+0.4*A6*D[2, 2] C8 = 2*A4*D[0, 0]+0.4*A7*D[2, 2] C9 = A5*D[1, 1]-A6*D[0, 1]-0.4*A6*D[2, 2] C10 = A4*D[0, 0]-A7*D[0, 1]-0.4*A7*D[2, 2] C11 = A5*D[1, 1]-0.4*A6*D[2, 2] C12 = A4*D[0, 0]-0.4*A7*D[2, 2] C13 = 4/3.*A9*D[1, 1]+8/15.*A8*D[2, 2] C14 = 4/3.*A8*D[0, 0]+8/15.*A9*D[2, 2] C15 = 2/3.*A9*D[1, 1]-8/15.*A8*D[2, 2] C16 = 2/3.*A8*D[0, 0]-8/15.*A9*D[2, 2] C17 = 2/3.*A9*D[1, 1]-2/15.*A8*D[2, 2] C18 = 2/3.*A8*D[0, 0]-2/15.*A9*D[2, 2] C19 = 1/3.*A9*D[1, 1]+2/15.*A8*D[2, 2] C20 = 1/3.*A8*D[0, 0]+2/15.*A9*D[2, 2] C21 = D[0, 1] Keq = np.mat(np.zeros((12, 12))) Keq[0, 0:13] = C1, C5, -C6, C2, C9, -C8, C4, C11, -C12, C3, C7, -C10 Keq[1, 1:13] = C13, -C21, C9, C15, 0, -C11, C19, 0, -C7, C17, 0 Keq[2, 2:13] = C14, C8, 0, C18, C12, 0, C20, -C10, 0, C16 Keq[3, 3:13] = C1, C5, C6, C3, C7, C10, C4, C11, C12 Keq[4, 4:13] = C13, C21, -C7, C17, 0, -C11, C19, 0 Keq[5, 5:13] = C14, C10, 0, C16, -C12, 0, C20 Keq[6, 6:13] = C1, -C5, C6, C2, -C9, C8 Keq[7, 7:13] = C13, -C21, -C9, C15, 0 Keq[8, 8:13] = C14, -C8, 0, C18 Keq[9, 9:13] = C1, -C5, -C6 Keq[10, 10:13] = C13, C21 Keq[11, 11] = C14 Keq = Keq.T+Keq-np.diag(np.diag(Keq)) if eq != None: q = eq R1 = q*Lx*Ly/4 R2 = q*Lx*Ly**2/24 R3 = q*Ly*Lx**2/24 feq = np.mat([R1, R2, -R3, R1, R2, R3, R1, -R2, R3, R1, -R2, -R3]) if eq != None: return Keq, feq else: return Keq
[docs]def planqe(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Calculate the stiffness matrix for a quadrilateral plane stress or plane strain element. Parameters: ex=[x1 x2 x3 x4] element coordinates ey=[y1 y2 y3 y4] ep = [ptype, t] ptype: analysis type t: element thickness D constitutive matrix eq = [bx; bx: body force in x direction by] by: body force in y direction OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix (8 x 8) fe : equivalent nodal forces (row array) """ K = np.zeros((10, 10)) f = np.zeros((10, 1)) xm = sum(ex)/4. ym = sum(ey)/4. b1 = eq if eq is not None else np.array([[0], [0]]) ke1, fe1 = plante(np.array([ex[0], ex[1], xm]), np.array([ey[0], ey[1], ym]), ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(np.array([ex[1], ex[2], xm]), np.array([ey[1], ey[2], ym]), ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(np.array([ex[2], ex[3], xm]), np.array([ey[2], ey[3], ym]), ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(np.array([ex[3], ex[0], xm]), np.array([ey[3], ey[0], ym]), ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([7, 8, 1, 2, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) Ke, fe = statcon(K, f, np.array([[9], [10]])) if eq is None: return Ke else: return Ke, fe
[docs]def planqs(ex, ey, ep, D, ed, eq=None): """ Calculate element normal and shear stress for a quadrilateral plane stress or plane strain element. Parameters: ex = [x1 x2 x3 x4] element coordinates ey = [y1 y2 y3 y4] ep = [ptype, t] ptype: analysis type t: thickness D constitutive matrix ed = [u1 u2 ..u8] element displacement vector eq = [[bx] bx: body force in x direction [by]] by: body force in y direction OUTPUT: es = [ sigx sigy (sigz) tauxy] element stress array et = [ epsx epsy (epsz) gamxy] element strain array """ if ex.shape != (4,) or ey.shape != (4,) or ed.shape != (8,): raise ValueError( 'Error ! PLANQS: only one element at the time (ex, ey, ed must be a row arrays)') K = np.zeros((10, 10)) f = np.zeros((10, 1)) xm = sum(ex)/4. ym = sum(ey)/4. b1 = eq if eq is not None else np.array([[0], [0]]) ex1 = np.array([ex[0], ex[1], xm]) ey1 = np.array([ey[0], ey[1], ym]) ex2 = np.array([ex[1], ex[2], xm]) ey2 = np.array([ey[1], ey[2], ym]) ex3 = np.array([ex[2], ex[3], xm]) ey3 = np.array([ey[2], ey[3], ym]) ex4 = np.array([ex[3], ex[0], xm]) ey4 = np.array([ey[3], ey[0], ym]) ke1, fe1 = plante(ex1, ey1, ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(ex2, ey2, ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(ex3, ey3, ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) ke1, fe1 = plante(ex4, ey4, ep, D, b1) K, f = assem(np.array([7, 8, 1, 2, 9, 10]), K, ke1, f, fe1) A1 = 0.5 * \ np.linalg.det( np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), np.mat(ex1).T, np.mat(ey1).T])) A2 = 0.5 * \ np.linalg.det( np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), np.mat(ex2).T, np.mat(ey2).T])) A3 = 0.5 * \ np.linalg.det( np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), np.mat(ex3).T, np.mat(ey3).T])) A4 = 0.5 * \ np.linalg.det( np.hstack([np.ones((3, 1)), np.mat(ex4).T, np.mat(ey4).T])) Atot = A1+A2+A3+A4 a, _ = solveq(K, f, np.array(range(1, 9)), ed) # ni = ed.shape[0] # a = np.mat(empty((10,ni))) # for i in range(ni): # a[:,i] = solveq(K, f, np.array(range(1,9)), ed[i,:])[0] # #a = np.hstack([a, solveq(K, f, np.hstack([matrix(range(1,9)).T, ed[i,:].T]) ) ]) s1, t1 = plants(ex1, ey1, ep, D, np.hstack([a[[0, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9], :].T])) s2, t2 = plants(ex2, ey2, ep, D, np.hstack([a[[2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9], :].T])) s3, t3 = plants(ex3, ey3, ep, D, np.hstack([a[[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], :].T])) s4, t4 = plants(ex4, ey4, ep, D, np.hstack([a[[6, 7, 0, 1, 8, 9], :].T])) es = (s1*A1+s2*A2+s3*A3+s4*A4)/Atot et = (t1*A1+t2*A2+t3*A3+t4*A4)/Atot # [0] because these are 1-by-3 arrays and we want row arrays out. return es[0], et[0]
[docs]def plani4e(ex, ey, ep, D, eq=None): """ Calculate the stiffness matrix for a 4 node isoparametric element in plane strain or plane stress. Parameters: ex = [x1 ... x4] element coordinates. Row array ey = [y1 ... y4] ep =[ptype, t, ir] ptype: analysis type t : thickness ir: integration rule D constitutive matrix eq = [bx; by] bx: body force in x direction by: body force in y direction Any array with 2 elements acceptable Returns: Ke : element stiffness matrix (8 x 8) fe : equivalent nodal forces (8 x 1) """ ptype = ep[0] t = ep[1] ir = ep[2] ngp = ir*ir if eq is None: q = np.zeros((2, 1)) else: q = np.reshape(eq, (2, 1)) #--------- gauss points -------------------------------------- if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.mat([g1, g1]) w = np.mat([w1, w1]) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g1], [g1, g1]]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w1]]) elif ir == 3: g1 = 0.774596669241483 g2 = 0. w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.mat([ [-g1, -g1], [-g2, -g1], [g1, -g1], [-g1, g2], [g2, g2], [g1, g2], [-g1, g1], [g2, g1], [g1, g1]]) w = np.mat([ [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1], [w1, w2], [w2, w2], [w1, w2], [w1, w1], [w2, w1], [w1, w1]]) else: info("Used number of integrat ion points not implemented") wp = np.multiply(w[:, 0], w[:, 1]) xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] r2 = ngp*2 # Shape Functions N = np.multiply((1-xsi), (1-eta))/4. N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1-eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1+xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) N = np.append(N, np.multiply((1-xsi), (1+eta))/4., axis=1) dNr = np.mat(np.zeros((r2, 4))) dNr[0:r2:2, 0] = -(1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 1] = (1-eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 2] = (1+eta)/4. dNr[0:r2:2, 3] = -(1+eta)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 0] = -(1-xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 1] = -(1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 2] = (1+xsi)/4. dNr[1:r2+1:2, 3] = (1-xsi)/4. # Ke1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 8))) fe1 = np.mat(np.zeros((8, 1))) JT = dNr*np.mat([ex, ey]).T # --------- plane stress -------------------------------------- if ptype == 1: colD = np.shape(D)[0] if colD > 3: Cm = np.linalg.inv(D) Dm = np.linalg.inv(Cm[np.ix_([0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 3])]) else: Dm = D # B = np.matrix(np.zeros((3, 8))) N2 = np.matrix(np.zeros((2, 8))) for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobi determinant equal or less than zero!") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) dNx = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] # index_array_even = np.array([0, 2, 4, 6]) index_array_odd = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7]) # counter = 0 for index in index_array_even: B[0, index] = dNx[0, counter] B[2, index] = dNx[1, counter] N2[0, index] = N[i, counter] counter = counter+1 # counter = 0 for index in index_array_odd: B[1, index] = dNx[1, counter] B[2, index] = dNx[0, counter] N2[1, index] = N[i, counter] counter = counter+1 # Ke1 = Ke1+B.T*Dm*B*detJ*wp[i].item()*t fe1 = fe1 + N2.T * q * detJ * wp[i].item() * t return Ke1, fe1 #--------- plane strain -------------------------------------- elif ptype == 2: # colD = np.shape(D)[0] if colD > 3: Dm = D[np.ix_([0, 1, 3], [0, 1, 3])] else: Dm = D # B = np.matrix(np.zeros((3, 8))) N2 = np.matrix(np.zeros((2, 8))) for i in range(ngp): indx = np.array([2*(i+1)-1, 2*(i+1)]) detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx-1, :]) if detJ < 10*np.finfo(float).eps: info("Jacobideterminant equal or less than zero!") JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx-1, :]) dNx = JTinv*dNr[indx-1, :] # index_array_even = np.array([0, 2, 4, 6]) index_array_odd = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7]) # counter = 0 for index in index_array_even: # B[0, index] = dNx[0, counter] B[2, index] = dNx[1, counter] N2[0, index] = N[i, counter] # counter = counter+1 # counter = 0 for index in index_array_odd: B[1, index] = dNx[1, counter] B[2, index] = dNx[0, counter] N2[1, index] = N[i, counter] counter = counter+1 # Ke1 = Ke1 + B.T * Dm * B * detJ * np.asscalar(wp[i]) * t fe1 = fe1+N2.T*q*detJ*np.asscalar(wp[i])*t return Ke1, fe1 else: info("Error ! Check first argument, ptype=1 or 2 allowed")
[docs]def soli8e(ex, ey, ez, ep, D, eqp=None): """ Ke=soli8e(ex,ey,ez,ep,D) [Ke,fe]=soli8e(ex,ey,ez,ep,D,eq) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the stiffness matrix for a 8 node (brick) isoparametric element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2 x3 ... x8] ey = [y1 y2 y3 ... y8] element coordinates ez = [z1 z2 z3 ... z8] ep = [ir] ir integration rule D constitutive matrix eq = [bx; by; bz] bx: body force in x direction by: body force in y direction bz: body force in z direction OUTPUT: Ke : element stiffness matrix fe : equivalent nodal forces ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: M Ristinmaa 1995-10-25 J Lindemann 2022-01-24 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ ir = ep[0] ngp = ir*ir*ir if eqp is None: eq = np.zeros((3, 1)) else: eq = eqp if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.array([g1, g1, g1]).reshape(1, 3) w = np.array([w1, w1, w1]).reshape(1, 3) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.zeros((8, 3)) w = np.zeros((8, 3)) gp[:, 0] = np.array([-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1])*g1 w[:, 0] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 gp[:, 1] = np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1])*g1 w[:, 1] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 gp[:, 2] = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*g1 w[:, 2] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 else: g1 = 0.774596669241483, g2 = 0.0 w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.zeros((27, 3)) w = np.zeros((27, 3)) I1 = np.array([-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(1, 9) gp[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 0] I1 = np.abs(I1) I2 = np.abs(I2) w[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 0] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 9) gp[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 1] I1 = np.abs(I1) I2 = np.abs(I2) w[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 1] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 9) I3 = np.abs(I1) gp[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I1, I2, I3), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I2, I3, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 2] w[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I3, I2, I3), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I2, I3, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 2] wp = w[:, 0]*w[:, 1]*w[:, 2] xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] zet = gp[:, 2] r2 = ngp*3 N = np.zeros((ngp, 8)) dNr = np.zeros((r2, 8)) N[:, 0] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 1] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 2] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 3] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 4] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 5] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta)*(1+zet)/8 dNr[0:r2+1:3, 0] = -(1-eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 1] = (1-eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 2] = (1+eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 3] = -(1+eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 4] = -(1-eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 5] = (1-eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 6] = (1+eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 7] = -(1+eta)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 0] = -(1-xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 1] = -(1+xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 2] = (1+xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 3] = (1-xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 4] = -(1-xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 5] = -(1+xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 0] = -(1-xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 1] = -(1+xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 2] = -(1+xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 3] = -(1-xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 4] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 5] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta) dNr = dNr/8.0 Ke = np.zeros((24, 24)) fe = np.zeros((24, 1)) ex = np.asarray(ex).reshape((8, 1)) ey = np.asarray(ey).reshape((8, 1)) ez = np.asarray(ez).reshape((8, 1)) JT = dNr@np.concatenate((ex, ey, ez), axis=1) eps = np.finfo(float).eps for i in range(ngp): indx = [i*3, i*3+1, i*3+2] detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx, :]) if detJ < 10*eps: print('Jacobideterminant equal or less than zero!') JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx, :]) dNx = JTinv@dNr[indx, :] B = np.zeros((6, 24)) N2 = np.zeros((3, 24)) B[0, 0:24:3] = dNx[0, :] B[1, 1:25:3] = dNx[1, :] B[2, 2:26:3] = dNx[2, :] B[3, 0:24:3] = dNx[1, :] B[3, 1:25:3] = dNx[0, :] B[4, 0:24:3] = dNx[2, :] B[4, 2:26:3] = dNx[0, :] B[5, 1:25:3] = dNx[2, :] B[5, 2:26:3] = dNx[1, :] N2[0, 0:24:3] = N[i, :] N2[1, 1:25:3] = N[i, :] N2[2, 2:26:3] = N[i, :] Ke = Ke + (np.transpose(B)@D@B)*detJ*wp[i] fe = fe + (np.transpose(N2)@eq)*detJ*wp[i] if eqp != None: return Ke, fe else: return Ke
[docs]def soli8s(ex, ey, ez, ep, D, ed): """ [es,et]=soli8s(ex,ey,ez,ep,D,ed) ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate element normal and shear stress for a 8 node (brick) isoparametric element. INPUT: ex = [x1 x2 x3 ... x8] ey = [y1 y2 y3 ... y8] element coordinates ez = [z1 z2 z3 ... z8] ep = [Ir] Ir: integration rule D constitutive matrix ed = [u1 u2 ..u24] element displacement vector OUTPUT: es = [ sigx sigy sigz sigxy sigyz sigxz ; ...... ... ] element stress matrix, one row for each integration point es = [ eps epsy epsz epsxy epsyz epsxz ; ...... ... ] element strain matrix, one row for each integration point ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: M Ristinmaa 1995-10-25 J Lindemann 2022-02-23 (Python version) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ ir = ep[0] ngp = ir*ir*ir ir = ep[0] ngp = ir*ir*ir if ir == 1: g1 = 0.0 w1 = 2.0 gp = np.array([g1, g1, g1]).reshape(1, 3) w = np.array([w1, w1, w1]).reshape(1, 3) elif ir == 2: g1 = 0.577350269189626 w1 = 1 gp = np.zeros((8, 3)) w = np.zeros((8, 3)) gp[:, 0] = np.array([-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1])*g1 w[:, 0] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 gp[:, 1] = np.array([-1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1])*g1 w[:, 1] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 gp[:, 2] = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*g1 w[:, 2] = np.array([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])*w1 else: g1 = 0.774596669241483, g2 = 0.0 w1 = 0.555555555555555 w2 = 0.888888888888888 gp = np.zeros((27, 3)) w = np.zeros((27, 3)) I1 = np.array([-1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, -1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0]).reshape(1, 9) gp[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 0] I1 = np.abs(I1) I2 = np.abs(I2) w[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 0] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 0] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 9) gp[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 1] I1 = np.abs(I1) I2 = np.abs(I2) w[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I1, I1, I1), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 1] = np.concatenate((I2, I2, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 1] I1 = np.array([-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]).reshape(1, 9) I2 = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]).reshape(1, 9) I3 = np.abs(I1) gp[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I1, I2, I3), axis=1)*g1 gp[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I2, I3, I2), axis=1)*g2 + gp[:, 2] w[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I3, I2, I3), axis=1)*w1 w[:, 2] = np.concatenate((I2, I3, I2), axis=1)*w2 + w[:, 2] wp = w[:, 0]*w[:, 1]*w[:, 2] xsi = gp[:, 0] eta = gp[:, 1] zet = gp[:, 2] r2 = ngp*3 N = np.zeros((ngp, 8)) dNr = np.zeros((r2, 8)) N[:, 0] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 1] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 2] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 3] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta)*(1-zet)/8 N[:, 4] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 5] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta)*(1+zet)/8 N[:, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta)*(1+zet)/8 dNr[0:r2+1:3, 0] = -(1-eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 1] = (1-eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 2] = (1+eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 3] = -(1+eta)*(1-zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 4] = -(1-eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 5] = (1-eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 6] = (1+eta)*(1+zet) dNr[0:r2+1:3, 7] = -(1+eta)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 0] = -(1-xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 1] = -(1+xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 2] = (1+xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 3] = (1-xsi)*(1-zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 4] = -(1-xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 5] = -(1+xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[1:r2+2:3, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+zet) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 0] = -(1-xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 1] = -(1+xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 2] = -(1+xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 3] = -(1-xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 4] = (1-xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 5] = (1+xsi)*(1-eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 6] = (1+xsi)*(1+eta) dNr[2:r2+3:3, 7] = (1-xsi)*(1+eta) dNr = dNr/8.0 ex = np.asarray(ex).reshape((8, 1)) ey = np.asarray(ey).reshape((8, 1)) ez = np.asarray(ez).reshape((8, 1)) JT = dNr@np.concatenate((ex, ey, ez), axis=1) eps = np.finfo(float).eps eci = N@np.concatenate((ex, ey, ez), axis=1) et = np.zeros((ngp, 6)) es = np.zeros((ngp, 6)) ed = ed.reshape(1, 24) for i in range(ngp): indx = [i*3, i*3+1, i*3+2] detJ = np.linalg.det(JT[indx, :]) if detJ < 10*eps: print('Jacobideterminant equal or less than zero!') JTinv = np.linalg.inv(JT[indx, :]) dNx = JTinv@dNr[indx, :] B = np.zeros((6, 24)) N2 = np.zeros((3, 24)) B[0, 0:24:3] = dNx[0, :] B[1, 1:25:3] = dNx[1, :] B[2, 2:26:3] = dNx[2, :] B[3, 0:24:3] = dNx[1, :] B[3, 1:25:3] = dNx[0, :] B[4, 0:24:3] = dNx[2, :] B[4, 2:26:3] = dNx[0, :] B[5, 1:25:3] = dNx[2, :] B[5, 2:26:3] = dNx[1, :] N2[0, 0:24:3] = N[i, :] N2[1, 1:25:3] = N[i, :] N2[2, 2:26:3] = N[i, :] # [6x24] x [24,1] ee = B@np.transpose(ed) et[i, :] = ee.reshape(6,) es[i, :] = (D@ee).reshape(6,) return et, es, eci
[docs]def assem(edof, K, Ke, f=None, fe=None): """ Assemble element matrices Ke ( and fe ) into the global stiffness matrix K ( and the global force vector f ) according to the topology matrix edof. Parameters: edof dof topology array K the global stiffness matrix Ke element stiffness matrix f the global force vector fe element force vector Output parameters: K the new global stiffness matrix f the new global force vector fe element force vector """ if edof.ndim == 1: idx = edof-1 K[np.ix_(idx, idx)] = K[np.ix_(idx, idx)] + Ke if (not f is None) and (not fe is None): f[np.ix_(idx)] = f[np.ix_(idx)] + fe else: for row in edof: idx = row-1 K[np.ix_(idx, idx)] = K[np.ix_(idx, idx)] + Ke if (not f is None) and (not fe is None): f[np.ix_(idx)] = f[np.ix_(idx)] + fe if f is None: return K else: return K, f
[docs]def solveq(K, f, bcPrescr=None, bcVal=None): """ Solve static FE-equations considering boundary conditions. Parameters: K global stiffness matrix, dim(K)= nd x nd f global load vector, dim(f)= nd x 1 bcPrescr 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. If not given all prescribed dofs are assumed 0. Returns: a solution including boundary values Q reaction force vector dim(a)=dim(Q)= nd x 1, nd : number of dof's """ nDofs = K.shape[0] nPdofs = bcPrescr.shape[0] if bcVal is None: bcVal = np.zeros([nPdofs], 'd') if bcPrescr is None: return np.asmatrix(np.linalg.solve(K, f)) bc = np.ones(nDofs, 'bool') bcDofs = np.arange(nDofs) bc[np.ix_(bcPrescr-1)] = False bcDofs = bcDofs[bc] fsys = f[bcDofs]-K[np.ix_((bcDofs), (bcPrescr-1))] * \ np.asmatrix(bcVal).reshape(nPdofs, 1) asys = np.linalg.solve(K[np.ix_((bcDofs), (bcDofs))], fsys) a = np.zeros([nDofs, 1]) a[np.ix_(bcPrescr-1)] = np.asmatrix(bcVal).reshape(nPdofs, 1) a[np.ix_(bcDofs)] = asys Q = K*np.asmatrix(a)-f return (np.asmatrix(a), Q)
[docs]def spsolveq(K, f, bcPrescr, bcVal=None): """ Solve static FE-equations considering boundary conditions. Parameters: K global stiffness matrix, dim(K)= nd x nd f global load vector, dim(f)= nd x 1 bcPrescr 1-dim integer array containing prescribed dofs. bcVal 1-dim float array containing prescribed values. If not given all prescribed dofs are assumed 0. Returns: a solution including boundary values Q reaction force vector dim(a)=dim(Q)= nd x 1, nd : number of dof's """ nDofs = K.shape[0] nPdofs = bcPrescr.shape[0] if bcVal is None: bcVal = np.zeros([nPdofs], 'd') bc = np.ones(nDofs, 'bool') bcDofs = np.arange(nDofs) bc[np.ix_(bcPrescr-1)] = False bcDofs = bcDofs[bc] bcVal_m = np.asmatrix(bcVal).reshape(nPdofs, 1) info("Preparing system matrix...") mask = np.ones(K.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[bcDofs] = False info("step 1... converting K->CSR") Kcsr = K.asformat("csr") info("step 2... Kt") #Kt1 = K[bcDofs] #Kt = Kt1[:,bcPrescr] Kt = K[np.ix_((bcDofs), (bcPrescr-1))] info("step 3... fsys") fsys = f[bcDofs]-Kt*bcVal_m info("step 4... Ksys") Ksys1 = Kcsr[bcDofs] Ksys = Ksys1[:, bcDofs] #Ksys = Kcsr[np.ix_((bcDofs),(bcDofs))] info("done...") info("Solving system...") asys = dsolve.spsolve(Ksys, fsys) info("Reconstructing full a...") a = np.zeros([nDofs, 1]) a[np.ix_(bcPrescr-1)] = bcVal_m a[np.ix_(bcDofs)] = np.asmatrix(asys).transpose() a_m = np.asmatrix(a) Q = K*a_m-f info("done...") return (a_m, Q)
[docs]def eigen(K,M,b=None): """ Solve the generalized eigenvalue problem |K-LM|X = 0, considering boundary conditions Parameters: K global stiffness matrix, dim(K) = ndof x ndof M global mass matrix, dim(M) = ndof x ndof b boundary condition vector, dim(b) = nbc x 1 Returns: L eigenvalue vector, dim(L) = (ndof-nbc) x 1 X eigenvectors, dim(X) = ndof x (ndof-nbc) """ nd, _ = K.shape if b is not None: fdof = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nd), b-1) D, X1 = eig(K[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)], M[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)]) D = np.real(D) nfdof, _ = X1.shape for j in range(nfdof): mnorm = np.sqrt(X1[:,j].T@M[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)]@X1[:,j]) X1[:,j] /= mnorm s_order = np.argsort(D) L = np.sort(D) X2 = np.zeros(X1.shape) for ind,j in enumerate(s_order): X2[:,ind] = X1[:,j] X = np.zeros((nd,nfdof)) X[fdof,:] = X2 return L, X else: D, X1 = eig(K, M) D = np.real(D) for j in range(nd): mnorm = np.sqrt(X1[:,j].T@M@X1[:,j]) X1[:,j] /= mnorm s_order = np.argsort(D) L = np.sort(D) X = np.copy(X1) for ind,j in enumerate(s_order): X[:,ind] = X1[:,j] return L, X
[docs]def gfunc(G,dt): """ Form vector with function values at equally spaced points by linear interpolation Parameters: G = [t_i, g_i] t_i: time i, g_i: g(t_i) dim(G) = np x 2, np = number of points dt time step Returns: t 1-D vector with equally spaced time points g 1-D vector with corresponding function values """ ti = np.arange(G[0,0],G[-1,0]+dt,dt) g1 = np.interp(ti,G[:,0],G[:,1]) return ti, g1
[docs]def step1(K,C,f,a0,bc,ip,times,dofs): """ Algorithm for dynamic solution of first-order FE equations considering boundary conditions. Parameters: K conductivity matrix, dim(K) = ndof x ndof C capacity matrix, dim(C) = ndof x ndof f load vector, dim(f) = ndof x (nstep + 1), If dim(f) = ndof x 1, the values are kept constant during time integration a0 initial vector a(0), dim(a0) = ndof x 1 bc boundary condition matrix, dim(bc) = nbc x (nstep + 2) where nbc = number of prescribed degrees of freedom (either constant or time-dependent) The first column contains the numbers of the prescribed degrees of freedom and the subsequent columns contain the time history. If dim(bc) = nbc x 2, the values from the second column are kept constant during time integration ip array [dt, tottime, alpha], where dt is the size of the time increment, tottime is the total time, alpha is time integration constant. Frequently used values of alpha are: alpha=0: forward difference; forward Euler, alpha=1/2: trapezoidal rule; Crank-Nicholson alpha=1: backward difference; backward Euler times array [t(i) ...] of times at which output should be written to a and da dofs array [dof(i) ...] of degree of freedom numbers for which history output should be written to ahist and dahist Returns: modelhist dictionary containing solution history for the whole model at following keys: modelhist['a'] constains values of a at all timesteps, alternatively at times specified in 'times' dim(modelhist['a']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) or ndof x ntimes modelhist['da'] constains values of da at all timesteps, alternatively at times specified in 'times' dim(modelhist['da']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) or ndof x ntimes dofhist dictionary containing solution history for the degrees of freedom selected in 'dofs': dofhist['a'] constains time history of a at the dofs specified in 'dofs' dim(dofhist['ahist']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) dofhist['da'] constains time history of daat the dofs specified in 'dofs' dim(dofhist['dahist']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) """ ndof, _ = K.shape dt, tottime, alpha = ip a1 = (1-alpha)*dt a2 = alpha*dt nstep = 1 if np.array(f).any(): _, ncf = f.shape if ncf>1: nstep = ncf-1 if np.array(bc).any(): _, ncb = bc.shape if ncb>2: nstep = ncb-2 bound = 1 if not np.array(bc).any(): bound = 0 ns = int(tottime/dt) if (ns < nstep or nstep==1): nstep=ns tf = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) if np.array(f).any(): if ncf==1: tf = f[:,0].reshape(-1,1)@np.ones((1,nstep+1)) if ncf>1: tf = np.copy(f) modelhist = {} sa=0 if not np.array(times).any(): ntimes=0 sa=1 modelhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) modelhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) else: ntimes = len(times) if ntimes: sa=2 modelhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndof,ntimes)) modelhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndof,ntimes)) dofhist = {} if np.array(dofs).all(): ndofs = len(dofs) if ndofs: dofhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndofs,nstep+1)) dofhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndofs,nstep+1)) else: ndofs=0 itime = 0 # Calculate initial second time derivative d2a0 da0 = np.linalg.solve(C,tf[:,0].reshape(-1,1) - K@a0) # Save initial values if sa==1: modelhist['a'][:,0] = a0.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,0] = da0.ravel() elif sa==2: if times[itime]==0: modelhist['a'][:,itime] = a0.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,itime] = da0.ravel() itime += 1 if ndofs: dofhist['a'][:,0] = a0[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['da'][:,0] = da0[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() # Reduce matrices due to bcs tempa = np.zeros((ndof,1)) tempda = np.zeros((ndof,1)) fdof=np.arange(1,ndof+1).astype(int) if bound: nrb, ncb = bc.shape if ncb==2: pa = bc[:,1].reshape(-1,1)@np.ones((1,nstep+1)) pda = np.zeros((nrb,nstep+1)) elif ncb>2: pa = np.copy(bc[:,1:]) pda1 = (pa[:,1]-pa[:,0])/dt pdarest = (pa[:,1:] - pa[:,0:-1])/dt pda = np.hstack((pda1.reshape(-1,1),pdarest)) pdof = np.copy(bc[:,0]).astype(int) fdof = np.setdiff1d(fdof,pdof).astype(int) - 1 pdof -= 1 #adjusting for indexing starting from 0 Keff = C[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)] + a2*K[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)] else: fdof -= 1 #adjusting for indexing starting from 0 Keff = C + a2*K L, U = lu(Keff,permute_l=True) anew = a0[np.ix_(fdof)] danew = da0[np.ix_(fdof)] # Iterate over time steps for j in range(1,nstep+1): time = dt*j aold = np.copy(anew) daold = np.copy(danew) apred = aold + a1*daold if not bound: reff = tf[:,j].reshape(-1,1) - K@apred else: pdeff = C[np.ix_(fdof,pdof)]@pda[:,j].reshape(-1,1) + K[np.ix_(fdof,pdof)]@pa[:,j].reshape(-1,1) reff = tf[np.ix_(fdof),j].reshape(-1,1) - K[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)]@apred - pdeff y = np.linalg.solve(L,reff) danew = np.linalg.solve(U,y) anew = apred + a2*danew # Save to modelhist and dofhist if bound: tempa[np.ix_(pdof)] = pa[:,j].reshape(-1,1) tempda[np.ix_(pdof)] = pda[:,j].reshape(-1,1) tempa[np.ix_(fdof)] = anew tempda[np.ix_(fdof)] = danew if sa==1: modelhist['a'][:,j] = tempa.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,j] = tempda.ravel() elif sa==2: if ntimes and itime < ntimes: if time >= times[itime]: modelhist['a'][:,itime] = tempa.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,itime] = tempda.ravel() itime += 1 if ndofs: dofhist['a'][:,j] = tempa[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['da'][:,j] = tempda[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() return modelhist, dofhist
[docs]def step2(K,C,M,f,a0,da0,bc,ip,times,dofs): """ Algorithm for dynamic solution of second-order FE equations considering boundary conditions. Parameters: K global stiffness matrix, dim(K) = ndof x ndof C global damping matrix, dim(C) = ndof x ndof If there is no damping in the system, simply set C=[] M global mass matrix, dim(M) = ndof x ndof f global load vector, dim(f) = ndof x (nstep + 1), If dim(f) = ndof x 1, the values are kept constant during time integration a0 initial displacement vector a(0), dim(a0) = ndof x 1 da0 initial velocity vector v(0), dim(da0) = ndof x 1 bc boundary condition matrix, dim(bc) = nbc x (nstep + 2) where nbc = number of prescribed degrees of freedom (either constant or time-dependent) The first column contains the numbers of the prescribed degrees of freedom and the subsequent columns contain the time history. If dim(bc) = nbc x 2, the values from the second column are kept constant during time integration ip array [dt, tottime, alpha, delta], where dt is the size of the time increment, tottime is the total time, alpha and delta are time integration constants for the Newmark family of methods. Frequently used values of alpha and delta are: alpha=1/4, delta=1/2: average acceleration (trapezoidal) rule, alpha=1/6, delta=1/2: linear acceleration alpha=0, delta=1/2: central difference times array [t(i) ...] of times at which output should be written to a, da and d2a dofs array [dof(i) ...] of degree of freedom numbers for which history output should be written to ahist, dahist and d2ahist Returns: modelhist dictionary containing solution history for the whole model at following keys: modelhist['a'] constains displacement values at all timesteps, alternatively at times specified in 'times' dim(modelhist['a']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) or ndof x ntimes modelhist['da'] constains velocity values at all timesteps, alternatively at times specified in 'times' dim(modelhist['da']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) or ndof x ntimes modelhist['d2a'] constains acceleration values at all timesteps, alternatively at times specified in 'times' dim(modelhist['d2a']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) or ndof x ntimes dofhist dictionary containing solution history for the degrees of freedom selected in 'dofs': dofhist['a'] constains displacement time history at the dofs specified in 'dofs' dim(dofhist['ahist']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) dofhist['da'] constains velocity time history at the dofs specified in 'dofs' dim(dofhist['dahist']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) dofhist['d2a'] constains acceleration time history at the dofs specified in 'dofs' dim(dofhist['d2ahist']) = ndof x (nstep + 1) """ ndof, _ = K.shape if not np.array(C).any(): C = np.zeros((ndof,ndof)) dt, tottime, alpha, delta = ip b1 = dt*dt*0.5*(1-2*alpha) b2 = (1-delta)*dt b3 = delta*dt b4 = alpha*dt*dt nstep = 1 if np.array(f).any(): _, ncf = f.shape if ncf>1: nstep = ncf-1 if np.array(bc).any(): _, ncb = bc.shape if ncb>2: nstep = ncb-2 bound = 1 if not np.array(bc).any(): bound = 0 ns = int(tottime/dt) if (ns < nstep or nstep==1): nstep=ns tf = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) if np.array(f).any(): if ncf==1: tf = f[:,0].reshape(-1,1)@np.ones((1,nstep+1)) if ncf>1: tf = np.copy(f) modelhist = {} sa=0 if not np.array(times).any(): ntimes=0 sa=1 modelhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) modelhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) modelhist['d2a'] = np.zeros((ndof,nstep+1)) else: ntimes = len(times) if ntimes: sa=2 modelhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndof,ntimes)) modelhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndof,ntimes)) modelhist['d2a'] = np.zeros((ndof,ntimes)) dofhist = {} if np.array(dofs).all(): ndofs = len(dofs) if ndofs: dofhist['a'] = np.zeros((ndofs,nstep+1)) dofhist['da'] = np.zeros((ndofs,nstep+1)) dofhist['d2a'] = np.zeros((ndofs,nstep+1)) else: ndofs=0 itime = 0 # Calculate initial second time derivative d2a0 d2a0 = np.linalg.solve(M,tf[:,0].reshape(-1,1) - C@da0 - K@a0) # Save initial values if sa==1: modelhist['a'][:,0] = a0.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,0] = da0.ravel() modelhist['d2a'][:,0] = d2a0.ravel() elif sa==2: if times[itime]==0: modelhist['a'][:,itime] = a0.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,itime] = da0.ravel() modelhist['d2a'][:,itime] = d2a0.ravel() itime += 1 if ndofs: dofhist['a'][:,0] = a0[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['da'][:,0] = da0[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['d2a'][:,0] = d2a0[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() # Reduce matrices due to bcs tempa = np.zeros((ndof,1)) tempda = np.zeros((ndof,1)) tempd2a = np.zeros((ndof,1)) fdof=np.arange(1,ndof+1).astype(int) if bound: nrb, ncb = bc.shape if ncb==2: pa = bc[:,1].reshape(-1,1)@np.ones((1,nstep+1)) pda = np.zeros((nrb,nstep+1)) elif ncb>2: pa = np.copy(bc[:,1:]) pda1 = (pa[:,1]-pa[:,0])/dt pdarest = (pa[:,1:] - pa[:,0:-1])/dt pda = np.hstack((pda1.reshape(-1,1),pdarest)) pdof = np.copy(bc[:,0]).astype(int) fdof = np.setdiff1d(fdof,pdof).astype(int) - 1 pdof -= 1 #adjusting for indexing starting from 0 Keff = M[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)] + b3*C[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)] +b4*K[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)] else: fdof -= 1 #adjusting for indexing starting from 0 Keff = M + b3*C + b4*K L, U = lu(Keff,permute_l=True) anew = a0[np.ix_(fdof)] danew = da0[np.ix_(fdof)] d2anew = d2a0[np.ix_(fdof)] # Iterate over time steps for j in range(1,nstep+1): time = dt*j aold = np.copy(anew) daold = np.copy(danew) d2aold = np.copy(d2anew) apred = aold + dt*daold + b1*d2aold dapred = daold + b2*d2aold if not bound: reff = tf[:,j].reshape(-1,1) - C@dapred - K@apred else: pdeff = C[np.ix_(fdof,pdof)]@pda[:,j].reshape(-1,1) + K[np.ix_(fdof,pdof)]@pa[:,j].reshape(-1,1) reff = tf[np.ix_(fdof),j].reshape(-1,1) - C[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)]@dapred - K[np.ix_(fdof,fdof)]@apred - pdeff y = np.linalg.solve(L,reff) d2anew = np.linalg.solve(U,y) anew = apred + b4*d2anew danew = dapred + b3*d2anew # Save to modelhist and dofhist if bound: tempa[np.ix_(pdof)] = pa[:,j].reshape(-1,1) tempda[np.ix_(pdof)] = pda[:,j].reshape(-1,1) tempa[np.ix_(fdof)] = anew tempda[np.ix_(fdof)] = danew tempd2a[np.ix_(fdof)] = d2anew if sa==1: modelhist['a'][:,j] = tempa.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,j] = tempda.ravel() modelhist['d2a'][:,j] = tempd2a.ravel() elif sa==2: if ntimes and itime < ntimes: if time >= times[itime]: modelhist['a'][:,itime] = tempa.ravel() modelhist['da'][:,itime] = tempda.ravel() modelhist['d2a'][:,itime] = tempd2a.ravel() itime += 1 if ndofs: dofhist['a'][:,j] = tempa[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['da'][:,j] = tempda[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() dofhist['d2a'][:,j] = tempd2a[np.ix_(dofs-1)].ravel() return modelhist, dofhist
[docs]def extract_eldisp(edof, a): """ Extract element displacements from the global displacement vector according to the topology matrix edof. Parameters: a the global displacement vector edof dof topology array Returns: ed: element displacement array """ ed = None if edof.ndim == 1: nDofs = len(edof) ed = np.zeros([nDofs]) idx = edof-1 ed[:] = a[np.ix_(idx)].T else: nElements = edof.shape[0] nDofs = edof.shape[1] ed = np.zeros([nElements, nDofs]) i = 0 for row in edof: idx = row-1 ed[i, :] = a[np.ix_(idx)].T i += 1 return ed
extractEldisp = extract_eldisp extract_ed = extract_eldisp
[docs]def statcon(K, f, cd): """ Condensation of static FE-equations according to the vector cd. Parameters: K global stiffness matrix, dim(K) = nd x nd f global load vector, dim(f)= nd x 1 cd vector containing dof's to be eliminated dim(cd)= nc x 1, nc: number of condensed dof's Returns: K1 condensed stiffness matrix, dim(K1)= (nd-nc) x (nd-nc) f1 condensed load vector, dim(f1)= (nd-nc) x 1 """ nd, nd = np.shape(K) cd = (cd-1).flatten() aindx = np.arange(nd) aindx = np.delete(aindx, cd, 0) bindx = cd Kaa = np.mat(K[np.ix_(aindx, aindx)]) Kab = np.mat(K[np.ix_(aindx, bindx)]) Kbb = np.mat(K[np.ix_(bindx, bindx)]) fa = np.mat(f[aindx]) fb = np.mat(f[bindx]) K1 = Kaa-Kab*Kbb.I*Kab.T f1 = fa-Kab*Kbb.I*fb return K1, f1
def c_mul(a, b): return eval(hex((np.long(a) * b) & 0xFFFFFFFF)[:-1]) def dofHash(dof): if len(dof) == 1: return dof[0] value = 0x345678 for item in dof: value = c_mul(1000003, value) ^ hash(item) value = value ^ len(dof) if value == -1: value = -2 return value
[docs]def create_dofs(nCoords, nDof): """ Create dof array [nCoords x nDof] """ return np.arange(nCoords*nDof).reshape(nCoords, nDof)+1
createdofs = create_dofs
[docs]def coordxtr(edof, coords, dofs, nen=-1): """ Create element coordinate matrices ex, ey, ez from edof coord and dofs matrices. Parameters: edof [nel x (nen * nnd)], nnd = number of node dofs coords [ncoords x ndims], ndims = node dimensions dofs [ncoords x nnd] Returns: ex if ndims = 1 ex, ey if ndims = 2 ex, ey, ez if ndims = 3 """ # Create dictionary with dof indices dofDict = {} nDofs = np.size(dofs, 1) nElements = np.size(edof, 0) n_element_dofs = np.size(edof, 1) nDimensions = np.size(coords, 1) nElementDofs = np.size(edof, 1) if nen == -1: nElementNodes = int(nElementDofs/nDofs) else: nElementNodes = nen if nElementNodes*nDofs != n_element_dofs: nDofs = nElementNodes*nDofs - n_element_dofs user_warning( "dofs/edof mismatch. Using %d dofs per node when indexing." % nDofs) idx = 0 for dof in dofs: #dofDict[dofHash(dof)] = idx dofDict[hash(tuple(dof[0:nDofs]))] = idx idx += 1 # Loop over edof and extract element coords ex = np.zeros((nElements, nElementNodes)) ey = np.zeros((nElements, nElementNodes)) ez = np.zeros((nElements, nElementNodes)) elementIdx = 0 for etopo in edof: for i in range(nElementNodes): i0 = i*nDofs i1 = i*nDofs+nDofs-1 dof = [] if i0 == i1: dof = [etopo[i*nDofs]] else: dof = etopo[i*nDofs:(i*nDofs+nDofs)] nodeCoord = coords[dofDict[hash(tuple(dof[0:nDofs]))]] if nDimensions >= 1: ex[elementIdx, i] = nodeCoord[0] if nDimensions >= 2: ey[elementIdx, i] = nodeCoord[1] if nDimensions >= 3: ez[elementIdx, i] = nodeCoord[2] elementIdx += 1 if nDimensions == 1: return ex if nDimensions == 2: return ex, ey if nDimensions == 3: return ex, ey, ez
coord_extract = coordxtr
[docs]def hooke(ptype, E, v): """ Calculate the material matrix for a linear elastic and isotropic material. Parameters: ptype= 1: plane stress 2: plane strain 3: axisymmetry 4: three dimensional E Young's modulus v Poissons const. Returns: D material matrix """ if ptype == 1: D = E*np.matrix( [[1, v, 0], [v, 1, 0], [0, 0, (1-v)/2]] )/(1-v**2) elif ptype == 2: D = E/(1+v)*np.matrix( [[1-v, v, v, 0], [v, 1-v, v, 0], [v, v, 1-v, 0], [0, 0, 0, (1-2*v)/2]] )/(1-2*v) elif ptype == 3: D = E/(1+v)*np.matrix( [[1-v, v, v, 0], [v, 1-v, v, 0], [v, v, 1-v, 0], [0, 0, 0, (1-2*v)/2]] )/(1-2*v) elif ptype == 4: D = E*np.matrix( [[1-v, v, v, 0, 0, 0], [v, 1-v, v, 0, 0, 0], [v, v, 1-v, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, (1-2*v)/2, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, (1-2*v)/2, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, (1-2*v)/2]] )/(1+v)/(1-2*v) else: info("ptype not supported.") return D
[docs]def effmises(es, ptype): """ Calculate effective von mises stresses. Parameters: es ptype= 1: plane stress 2: plane strain 3: axisymmetry 4: three dimensional es = [[sigx,sigy,[sigz],tauxy] element stress matrix [ ...... ]] one row for each element Returns: eseff = [eseff_0 .. eseff_nel-1] """ nel = np.size(es, 0) escomps = np.size(es, 1) eseff = np.zeros([nel]) if ptype == 1: sigxx = es[:, 0] sigyy = es[:, 1] sigxy = es[:, 2] eseff = np.sqrt(sigxx*sigxx+sigyy*sigyy-sigxx*sigyy+3*sigxy*sigxy) return eseff
[docs]def stress2nodal(eseff, edof): """ Convert element effective stresses to nodal effective stresses. Parameters: eseff = [eseff_0 .. eseff_nel-1] edof = [dof topology array] Returns: ev: element value array [[ev_0_0 ev_0_1 ev_0_nen-1 ] .. ev_nel-1_0 ev_nel-1_1 ev_nel-1_nen-1] """ values = np.zeros(edof.max()) elnodes = int(np.size(edof, 1) / 2) for etopo, eleseff in zip(edof, eseff): values[etopo-1] = values[etopo-1] + eleseff / elnodes evtemp = extractEldisp(edof, values) ev = evtemp[:, range(0, elnodes*2, 2)] return ev
[docs]def beam2crd_old(ex, ey, ed, mag): """ ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the element continous displacements for a number of identical 2D Bernoulli beam elements. INPUT: ex,ey, ed, mag OUTPUT: excd,eycd ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: P-E AUSTRELL 1993-10-15 J Lindemann 2021-12-30 (Python) Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ nie, ned = ed.shape excd = np.zeros([nie, 20]) eycd = np.zeros([nie, 20]) for i in range(nie): b = np.array([ex[i, 1]-ex[i, 0], ey[i, 1]-ey[i, 0]]) L = np.asscalar(np.sqrt(b@np.transpose(b))) n = b/L G = np.array([ [n[0], n[1], 0, 0, 0, 0], [-n[1], n[0], 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n[0], n[1], 0], [0, 0, 0, -n[1], n[0], 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) d = ed[i, :] dl = G @ d xl = np.linspace(0.0, L, 20) one = np.ones(xl.shape) Cis = np.array([ [-1.0, 1.0], [L, 0.0] ]) / L ds = np.array([dl[0], dl[3]]).reshape(2, 1) xl_one = np.transpose(np.vstack((xl, one))) ul = np.transpose(xl_one@Cis@ds) # [20x1][2] Cib = np.array([ [12, 6*L, -12, 6*L], [-6*L, -4*L**2, 6*L, -2*L**2], [0, L**3, 0, 0], [L**3, 0, 0, 0] ])/L**3 db = np.array([dl[1], dl[2], dl[4], dl[5]]).reshape(4, 1) vl = np.transpose(np.transpose( np.vstack((xl**3/6, xl**2/2, xl, one)))@Cib@db) cld = np.vstack((ul, vl)) A = np.array([ [n[0], -n[1]], [n[1], n[0]] ]) cd = A@cld # [2,1] x [1,20] + [2 x 1] x [1 x 20] # [2 x 20] + [2 x 20] AA = A[:, 0].reshape(2, 1) XL = xl.reshape(1, 20) xyc = AA@XL + np.array([[ex[i, 0]], [ey[i, 0]]])@one.reshape(1, 20) excd[i, :] = xyc[0, :]+mag*cd[0, :] eycd[i, :] = xyc[1, :]+mag*cd[1, :] return excd, eycd
[docs]def beam2crd(ex=None, ey=None, ed=None, mag=None): """ ------------------------------------------------------------- PURPOSE Calculate the element continous displacements for a number of identical 2D Bernoulli beam elements. INPUT: ex,ey, ed, mag OUTPUT: excd,eycd ------------------------------------------------------------- LAST MODIFIED: P-E AUSTRELL 1993-10-15 Copyright (c) Division of Structural Mechanics and Division of Solid Mechanics. Lund University ------------------------------------------------------------- """ nie, ned = ed.shape n_coords = 21 excd = np.zeros([nie, n_coords]) eycd = np.zeros([nie, n_coords]) for i in range(nie): b = np.array([ex[i, 1] - ex[i, 0], ey[i, 1] - ey[i, 0]]) L = np.sqrt(b @ np.transpose(b)) n = b / L G = np.array([ [n[0], n[1], 0, 0, 0, 0], [-n[1], n[0], 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, n[0], n[1], 0], [0, 0, 0, - n[1], n[0], 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] ]) d = np.transpose(ed[i, :]) dl = G @ d xl = np.transpose(np.linspace(0, L, n_coords)) one = np.ones(xl.shape) Cis = np.array([ [-1, 1], [L, 0] ]) / L ds = np.array([dl[0], dl[3]]).reshape(2, 1) xl_one = np.transpose(np.vstack((xl, one))) ul = np.transpose(xl_one@Cis@ds) # [20x1][2] Cib = np.array([ [12, 6 * L, - 12, 6 * L], [- 6 * L, - 4 * L ** 2, 6 * L, - 2 * L ** 2], [0, L ** 3, 0, 0], [L ** 3, 0, 0, 0] ]) / L ** 3 db = np.array([dl[1], dl[2], dl[4], dl[5]]).reshape(4, 1) vl = np.transpose(np.transpose( np.vstack((xl**3/6, xl**2/2, xl, one)))@Cib@db) cld = np.vstack((ul, vl)) A = np.array([ [n[0], -n[1]], [n[1], n[0]] ]) cd = A@cld # [2,1] x [1,20] + [2 x 1] x [1 x 20] # [2 x 20] + [2 x 20] AA = A[:, 0].reshape(2, 1) XL = xl.reshape(1, n_coords) xyc = AA@XL + np.array([[ex[i, 0]], [ey[i, 0]]] )@one.reshape(1, n_coords) excd[i, :] = xyc[0, :]+mag*cd[0, :] eycd[i, :] = xyc[1, :]+mag*cd[1, :] return excd, eycd